‘Excited’ Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ‘introduced Queen to baby Lilibet on video call after return from hospital’

‘EXCITED’ Prince Harry and Meghan Markle “introduced the Queen to baby Lilibet on video call after they returned from hospital,” according to sources.

Lilibet “Lili” Diana Mountbatten-Windsor was born on Friday in Los Angeles – and was named in tribute of both Her Majesty and Princess Diana.

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Sources suggest Buckingham Palace officials were out of the loop about Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor’s birth

It’s unclear whether the Queen knew about the baby announcement before the public

Meghan and Harry named their baby girl after the Queen and Diana

After returning home from the hospital, the Sussexes introduced Harry’s grandmother to her namesake via a video call, it’s been said.

Meghan and Harry announced to the world on Sunday night that they daughter had arrived two days earlier, writing on their website Archewell.

A source told People: “They were very excited and couldn’t wait to share that their daughter arrived.”

But critics have blasted Meghan and Harry’s name choice as “rude” and “demeaning” towards the Queen.

Angela Levin slammed the sentimental move – suggesting it exploits “a very private nickname”.

She told Good Morning Britain: “I don’t think it’s a good idea – I think it’s quite rude to Her Majesty Her Queen.

“It was a very private nickname from her husband who hasn’t been dead for very long.

“Prince Charles would never dream of calling his mother Lilibet.”

The Queen was given her nickname by her grandad King George V, who joked that she couldn’t pronounce her name Elizabeth as a child.


Her Majesty’s husband Prince Philip later adopted the name himself and was one of the few people to use it regularly.

Ms Levin said of the private name: “We knew what it was but it was his name – [the Duke of Edinburgh] wanted that name for her, it was a special name, I think it’s quite demeaning, I really believe that.”

She added that Harry “did mention to his grandmother” that he was going to name his daughter after her – “but I bet you he didn’t say I’m going choose Lilibet”.

Dean Stott, a friend of the couple, also told People: “Lili becomes the fourth generation of amazing, strong women in the family-behind Meghan, Diana and her Majesty the Queen.

“Harry and Meghan now have their complete family. It’s their time to be in the moment.”

The magazine has previously been a space where Meghan’s closest pals have exposed secrets to the media.

It was also suggested that although the Queen did receive some forewarning, Palace officials were in the dark about the birth announcement on Sunday night.

Sources suggest Buckingham Palace officials were left out of the loop about Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor’s birth – and only found out at 5pm along with the rest of the world.

Meghan gave birth to her daughter in LA on Friday

The Sussexes with their first born, Archie

It wasn’t until 6.34pm – over an hour and a half after Meghan and Harry’s announcement – that the Royal Family released a well-wishing statement about the good news.

The Palace declined to discuss when the Queen was informed of the safe arrival of her newest great-grandchild – or whether she was advised on Lili’s name.

Royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams told The Celeb Report: “‘I hope the obvious tribute to the queen is the dawn of an era of reconciliation and healing.”

In a statement, Harry and Meghan, who have a two-year-old son Archie, said: “On June 4th, we were blessed with the arrival of our daughter, Lili.

“She is more than we could have ever imagined, and we remain grateful for the love and prayers we’ve felt from across the globe.

“Thank you for your continued kindness and support during this very special time for our family.”

A spokesman said mum and baby were “healthy and well”.

Meghan chose Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital over the popular Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre in Los Angeles.

The spokesman went on: “Lili is now setting in at home.” They confirmed: “Lili is named after her great-grandmother, Her Majesty the Queen, whose family nickname is Lilibet.

“Her middle name, Diana, was chosen to honour her beloved late grandmother, The Princess of Wales.”

Their daughter has been named Lilibet after the family nickname for the Queen