Go from flab to fab in just 28 days with workout queen Courtney Black’s home exercise guide

HOPING to shed a few pounds and leave lockdown feeling lighter? Us too.

But the simple-sounding formula of eating less and moving more can be surprisingly hard to crack alone.

Courtney Black believes we can all get the body we dream of without leaving the front door

To help kickstart your fat-burning February, Fab Daily has enlisted the help of Courtney Black, the Queen of Home Workouts.

The 24-year-old East Londoner believes we can all get the body we dream of without leaving the front door.

Her new book The Pocket PT is a 28-day fitness plan that doesn’t need access to a gym or even a garden, just 30 minutes of your time each day.

She says: “Everyone has half an hour in their day to give a home workout a go.

Courtney says you don’t need to punish yourself to get the body you want

“It could be while the kids are asleep or instead of scrolling through social media or having an extra cup of tea in bed in the morning.

“And this is the best time to do it. Why not make a positive out of the current situation?”

Courtney believes you don’t need to punish yourself to get the body you want.

Throughout her teens, Courtney struggled with eating disorders and had an unhealthy relationship with exercise.


She became obsessed with her appearance and by the age of 19, she had fillers in her cheeks, chin, jaw, nose and lips — having paid for a package of cosmetic treatments called “the Kylie” after Kylie Jenner.

But after ditching her office job at an accountancy firm in central London, Courtney launched into becoming a full-time personal trainer.

She says: “It was a long journey and didn’t happen overnight. But I started to educate myself more about food and exercise.

“I realised I didn’t have to stop eating and I stopped using training as a punishment for eating.

The fitness queen believes you will never regret having a workout

“I started using weights and learned to listen to my body. Now, if I need a rest day, I have a rest day.”

While it can be daunting for beginners, Courtney believes you will never regret having a workout.

She says: “It’s always a struggle to start with but if you need to stop and breathe for a minute, then do. But then keep going.

“Remember why you started in the first place. I promise you won’t feel bad for it after or wish you hadn’t done it.”

Try Week One of Courtney’s 28-day plan with this day-by-day guide . . . and kickstart YOUR fitness journey right now.


HIIT session 1

DO each exercise for 30 seconds, rest for 20 seconds, then do next.

For alternate knee taps, lift your left knee and tap it, do two quick jogs on spot then do same with right knee


  1. Squat jumps: Feet hip-width apart, squat down, jump in the air and land back in squat position.
  2. Mountain climbers: Start in plank position, pull right knee to chest and back. Repeat with left.
  3. Alternate knee taps: Standing with arms by your side, lift left knee and tap it. Do two quick jogs on spot then do same with right knee. Repeat for 30 seconds.
  4. Star jumps: Jump with both legs and arms outstretched. Keep up fast pace for 30 seconds.

Repeat circuit two more times.

To perform a squat thruster, start in a plank before jumping into a wide squat, bringing hands off ground to chest


  1. Sprint: Run fast on the spot for 30 seconds.
  2. Squat thrusters: Start in plank, jump into wide squat, bringing hands off ground to chest. Pause, put hands back on ground and repeat. If jumping is hard, step.
  3. Reverse lunge leg drives: Standing with feet hip-width apart, step left foot back and lower knee to floor into lunge. Bring left foot all way back up, jumping on right foot and bringing left knee to chest. Repeat on the other side.
  4. Jump lunges: Starting with one leg forward and the other back (knee touching toward the floor) launch up and extend knees to straighten legs, and change sides.
  5. Walkouts: Start by standing, then bend at hips, reaching hands to floor and walking them out in front of you until in plank position. Walk back and repeat.

Repeat circuit two more times.

For a bodyweight squat into burpee, crouch and put hands on floor, step into plank position, step back into squat then stand up and reach above you


  1. High knees: Run on spot, lifting knees as high as you can, with fast air punches like you’re a boxer.
  2. Cross climbers: Similar to mountain climbers but this time pull knee across to elbow of opposite arm. Repeat on other side, and go as fast as you can.
  3. Bodyweight squats into burpees: Crouch and put hands on floor. Step feet back into plank position, then step back into squat, stand up and reach above you – and repeat.

Repeat circuit once before a nice stretch to cool down.


Full-body part 1

GREAT for all-over toning, fat loss and burning loads of calories by targeting lots of muscle groups.

To make it more challenging, hold a pair of dumbbells. If you don’t have weights, try two bottles of water instead.

For the squat presses, perform three sets of 12 reps

After doing each set of reps, take a 45-second break before moving on to the next set and next exercise.

  1. Squat to upright row: 3 sets of 12 reps. Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width, arms between your legs, holding a weight in each hand. Squat down – then as you come up, lift your elbows and bring the weights into your chest.
  2. Squat press: 3 sets of 12 reps. Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width, resting the weights on shoulders. Squat low, keeping your core engaged and chest up. As you come up, press the weights above your head until your arms are straight. Lower them back down slowly.
  3. Bicep curls into shoulder press: 3 sets of 12 reps. Hold a weight in each hand and curl your arms up to your chest, keeping your elbows tucked into your side. Then push your arms up and press the weight above your head. Lower back slowly.
  4. Lateral raises: 3 sets of 12 reps. Holding a weight in each hand, start with your arms at your side. Raise arms up and away from your body, slightly bending at the elbows, palms facing the floor. Lower the weights slowly and repeat.
  5. Goblet squats: 3 sets of 15 reps. Holding a weight to your chest, stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width, and turn your toes out a little. Squat down until your hips and knees are parallel, keeping your chest up. As you stand, push through your heels and squeeze your butt.


HIIT session 2

DO three circuits, which you’ll repeat twice.

Do each exercise for 30 seconds, and rest for 20 seconds before moving on.

To perform a skater lunge, hop side to side, one foot to other, like a skater


  1. Skater lunges: Hop side to side, one foot to other, like a skater.
  2. Mountain climbers: Start in plank position, pull right knee to chest and back. Repeat with left.
  3. Belt kicks: Squat, touch floor and, as you stand up, kick one leg in front of you, changing leg each time you come back up.
  4. Squat jacks: Jump down into wide squat, touch ankles. As you jump back up, raise arms above head.
  5. Burpees: From standing, crouch down, putting hands on the floor, and jump feet back into a high plank, then back into crouch and jump back up off floor.

For a groiner, in high plank, jump both your feet toward hands, pause and then jump back to plank


  1. Groiners: In high plank, jump both your feet toward hands, pause and then jump back to plank.
  2. Knees: Lift right knee as high as possible, return foot to ground and repeat with left leg.
  3. Squat jumps: With feet hip-width apart, squat down, jump in air and land in squat position.
  4. Fast air punches: Make like you’re a boxer.
  5. Walkouts: Stand and bend at hips, reaching hands to floor and walking them out in front until in plank. Walk back and repeat.

To perform commandos, start a in low plank with forearms on the floor


  1. Plank jacks: Begin in high plank with feet together, then jump them out and in like doing horizontal jumping jack.
  2. Squat oblique crunches: Start with hands on temples, squat down and, as you stand up, raise right knee and meet it with your opposite elbow. Repeat, switching sides each time.
  3. Bodyweight renegade rows: Begin in a high plank with hands on floor under shoulders, feet shoulder-width apart. Keep one hand on floor and pull other up to waist, bending at elbow. Lower arm back to floor and repeat with opposite arm.
  4. Sprint on the spot: Keep knees high and drive with your arms.
  5. Commandos: Start in low plank with forearms on floor, then lift right arm to place your hand firmly on mat, and push up before doing the same with left. You should now be in high plank position, so repeat by placing left forearm on floor, followed by right, and repeat.


Full-body part 2

THIS is a fab all-over session to give every muscle group a proper workout.

Make sure you repeat all the reps per set, then rest for 45 seconds before you move on to the next exercise.

Holding a weight in each hand, perform 3 sets of 20 reps of curtsey lunges with bicep curls
  1. Reverse lunges: 3 sets of 20 reps. Holding weights by your side, step your left leg back, lowering your knee towards the ground, keeping your core engaged and chest up. Return to standing and repeat with your right leg.
  2. Curtsey lunges with bicep curls: 3 sets of 20 reps. Holding a weight in each hand, curtsey – stepping one leg back and to the side, bending both knees as you lunge. At the same time, curl the weights up to your chest. Repeat, switching legs each time you lunge.
  3. Crunches: 3 sets of 20 reps. Lie back on the mat, your hands by the side of your head. Keep your eyes and your head up at all times, avoiding putting your chin on your chest. Squeeze your tummy muscles so your shoulders come up off the floor. Hold the position at the top for two seconds, before slowly lowering back down.
  4. Straight-leg deadlifts: 3 sets of 12 reps. Holding a weight in each hand, chest up and feet hip-width apart, lower the weights by bending at the waist and pushing your hips back, keeping your legs straight but knees slightly bent. Lift your chest up and push through your glutes to return. Repeat.
  5. Bicep curl to shoulder press: 3 sets of 12 reps. Hold a weight in each hand and curl your arms up to your chest, keeping your elbows tucked into your sides. Then push your arms up above your head, lowering the weight slowly. Repeat.
  • The Pocket PT by Courtney Black, £10.99 on Amazon. Get the Courtney Black app for £15.99 a month with a seven-day free trial

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