Heartbreaking messages from big-hearted Sun readers have left me humbled and proud, says Dame Deborah James

IN just 12 days, Dame Deborah James has achieved more than most of us will in a lifetime.

The Celeb Report writer has raised a staggering £6.4million — £7.5million if you count Gift Aid — been honoured with a Damehood, had Prince William over for tea, released her second book, which rocketed to No1 in the Amazon charts, released a sold-out charity T-shirt and had a stunning rose named after her.

In just 12 days, Dame Deborah James has achieved more than most of us will in a lifetime

The mum-of-two has been inundated with letters from followers, hailing her courage, bravery and thanking her for her work to raise awareness of bowel cancer

Dame Deborah even had Prince William over for tea

The inspirational 40-year-old has captured the hearts of the nation after revealing she is receiving end-of-life care at her parents’ home in Woking, Surrey.

In an unprecedented move, she was made a Dame in a day, after the Sun launched a campaign to honour her, and Buckingham Palace, Kensington Palace and No10 “moved heaven and earth” to make it happen.

The mum-of-two has been inundated with letters from followers, hailing her courage, bravery and thanking her for her work to raise awareness of bowel cancer.

In a touching update Deborah revealed members of the public have addressed letters to “Dame Debs of Woking”, hoping they will reach her, pleading with the postman: “Please try to deliver.”

An emotional Dame Debs told The Celeb Report: “Thank you so much to all the Sun readers for their lovely messages and to those who backed the Sun’s campaign to make me a Dame.

“It means the world to me, and my family.

“Your support and generosity donating to the BowelBabe Fund, pre-ordering my book (How to Live When You Could Be Dead) and buying my T-shirt has given me so much to smile about in the last week.

“I’ve always been so proud to be a Sun columnist, and I’m so thankful for all your support.”

Dame Debs began sharing her story with readers in her column Things Cancer Made Me Say, shortly after being diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer in 2017.

Dame Debs began sharing her story with readers in her column Things Cancer Made Me Say, shortly after being diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer in 2017

Your letters to Dame Deborah

Here, we share some of the letters you have sent in for our friend and colleague, the one and only Dame Deborah.

Dear Dame Deborah 

YOU are truly remarkable to have the courage and will to fight bravely and publicly against bowel cancer. I admire your spirit, honesty and determination.

Your battle teaches us all to be selfless and think of others, as you do, fundraising and educating the nation about this devastating and often taboo cancer. 

Your Damehood was richly deserved.


Guildford, Surrey

Dear Dame Deborah 

WOW! what a beautiful gem you are. Your strong willpower proved that if humans want to do something good for humanity it is possible – even from end-of-life care. 

You also remind us of Sir Captain Tom, who showed what a 99-year-old is capable of doing. You have made the whole nation proud of you. Love and best wishes.


Tooting, S London

Dear Dame Deborah 

YOUR smile is so infectious, everybody who sees you gets moved by that beautiful and warm smile. It certainly makes my day much brighter.


Poole, Dorset

Dear Dame Deborah 

HOW sad to learn that you are losing your battle against bowel cancer. To have raised more than £6.4million for your BowelBabe charity is so touching. 

Just as you said in your last Sun column: “Find a life you love. Have no regrets and hold on to rebellious hope.” 

What an amazingly brave lady.



Dear Dame Deborah 

YOU give credibility to the Honours List, which had become corrupted by greed and PR gimmicks. At last a true, worthy recipient along with Captain Tom. You and your family deserve it. 



Dear Dame Deborah 

HOW amazing is Prince William to visit you at your home to personally present you with your Damehood. 

I can’t think of a person who is more deserving of this award. I have followed you in The Celeb Report and on Lorraine Kelly’s TV show over the past five years and your lovely bubbly character and selfless effort to keep bowel cancer in the news has made a difference to so many. 

I can only wish you love and peace at this awful time.


St Ives, Cambs

Dear Dame Deborah 

IF ever there was a worthy recipient of a Damehood, then it is you. 

With so many honours given out willy-nilly, not a soul can deny this honour you so deserve. Your honest, heartbreaking account of your fight with bowel cancer has affected the nation.


Taunton, Somerset

Dear Dame Deborah 

IF anyone deserves to be made a Dame, it is you.

I was glad to donate to the Bowelbabe Fund, but also sad that there is not yet a cure for bowel cancer. Same with prostate cancer – I lost my dear brother to it three years ago. 

Screening ages for cancers should be lowered. We waste so much money in this country. Medical research should top the list for Government help.


Torrington, North Devon

Dear Dame Deborah 

OMG, what an amazing lady. So very brave. Your story in The Celeb Report last week is a must-read for everyone, whether affected by cancer or not.

I’ve read your columns and followed you on Instagram and can only say how very brave you are. As a survivor of brain cancer, I find it so very, very sad that you will not live to see your children grow up. Deborah, I send you all my love.


Milton Keynes, Bucks

Dear Dame Deborah

WHAT an inspirational, brave and great writer you are. 

I just hope, when it’s my time to depart and leave all I’ve cherished and loved, that I will be as strong as you. Bless you.



Dear Dame Deborah

WHO could fail to be deeply moved by your fight with cancer. Shining like a beacon of light, you faced the “Big C” head on and determined that you would go on fighting right to the very end. I’m sure I am not the only one praying for a miracle, and whatever happens, your two young children will grow up in the knowledge that you were an inspirational and very special lady.


Knottingley, West Yorks

Dear Dame Deborah

WHAT an amazing, courageous woman you are. I cried reading your article in The Celeb Report. It is heartbreaking.

I wish you and your family all my love and thoughts.


Sydenham, S London

Dear Dame Deborah

YOUR courage in the face of cancer is beyond any that I can imagine. Even in the face of death, you have managed to raise millions for research to give others a better chance of a cure or a longer life. What an absolute legend. You are one of the most amazing women to have ever lived, my thoughts are with you and your family.


Pelsall, Walsall

Dear Dame Deborah

WHAT a wonderful, brave woman. 

I too had bowel cancer last year. It came on suddenly and I was rushed to hospital. It turned out to be stage two and was removed, but the cancer spread to my lung and I am now going through chemo. It’s such a pity treatment hasn’t worked for you. You are an inspiration to all cancer sufferers and have given me the determination to beat it. 

I know your family will never forget how brave you were till the end. God bless you.


Heanor, Derbys

Dear Dame Deborah

THIS is so very, very sad. My partner follows you on Instagram and has kept me updated with how you are doing. Your column was so desperately sad to read. 

My goodness, I wish I could wave a magic wand. Instead I can only wish you and your family all the love in the world. 


Milton Keynes, Bucks

Dear Dame Deborah

MY heart goes out to you and your family. I too am terminally ill and being looked after by my wonderful wife and hospice-at-home nurses. I have accepted I am dying and take each day as it comes. 

I know your children will grow up being very proud of you.



Dear Dame Deborah

INSPIRATIONAL is a word that is used too easily these days. But take centre stage, Deborah. You are a remarkable, courageous, caring, loving woman – and the true definition of inspirational. I have followed your story, read your final column and donated. 

Your final advice will always stay with me: “It’s not goodbye, it’s see you again!”


Atherton, Gtr Manchester

Dear Dame Deborah

MY heart goes out to you. You have done a brilliant job for bowel cancer awareness and I’m sure saved many lives. My love goes to you and your family.


Hayling Island, Hants

Dear Dame Deborah

DURING your brave five-year battle with cancer you have always managed to have a positive outlook. At a time when the world is rocked by the misery of Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine, your wonderful courage is soothing. What an incredibly inspirational person you are.


Walsall, West Mids

A rose in her name

Dame Deborah with a bunch of the roses

The rose will be sold to raise money for her cancer charity

A STUNNING rose has been named in honour of Dame Deborah and will help raise money for her cancer charity.

Roses are the 40-year-old’s favourite flower and she told The Celeb Report she hopes her daughter Eloise, 12, will one day have the white and pale pink bloom at the heart of her wedding bouquet.

Deborah said: “All I can think is what a stunning thing to have. It makes me sad but it fills me with so much joy that this rose can now be bred for years to come.

“Maybe one day Eloise will choose to have it in her wedding bouquet.”

Dame Debs was presented with a stunning bouquet of her new rose by the team at The Harkness Rose Company. It will be introducing the new flower next week at its Chelsea Flower Show stand.

For every rose sold, £2.50 will be donated to the Bowelbabe Fund, which has raised more than £6.4million in just over a week, £7.5million if you count Gift Aid.

Deborah added: “Roses are my favourite flowers and I hope this one will brighten the smiles for all.”

The latest fundraiser comes just a day after Deborah revealed she has created a clothing collection in partnership with In The Style. It launched its first item, a T-shirt emblazoned with Deborah’s inspirational motto Rebellious Hope, and it sold out in a matter of hours, raising £210,000.

The rest of the collection will be released this summer. She said: “I can’t believe how quickly it sold out, I’m blown away yet again. Rebellious hope is most certainly how I’ve lived my life.”

Dame Deborah’s rose is available for pre-order from worldofroses.com.