How to make delicious hot cross buns for just 19p – and three ways you can add your own flavours

SAVE a bit of dosh this Easter weekend by baking hot cross buns yourself for just 23p each.

A pack of four will set you back £1.75 in Marks & Spencer – but you can make your own for a fraction of the price.

Bake your own hot cross buns for just 23p each

The Queen has also revealed her preferred way of making the festive treat.

A video posted on the Royal Family Instagram account has given step-by-step instructions to make the perfect traditional Easter snack for Her Majesty.

Here, Lee Price shares a budget-friendly recipe for classic hot cross buns – and three ways of customising the flavour.

Classic hot-cross buns

(£3.32 for 15 – 23p each)


  • 635g strong bread flour (43p)
  • 435ml milk (46p)
  • 220g caster sugar (36p)
  • 150g currants (52p)
  • 75g unsalted butter (63p)
  • 1 egg (16p)
  • 2 tsp yeast (20p)
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon (11p)
  • 1 tsp mixed spice (36p)

For the topping

  • 50g bread flour (4p)
  • 2 tsp caster sugar (5p)

METHOD: Whisk together yeast, milk and 1 tbsp sugar, and set aside until frothy.

Mix in the currants then divide into 16 equal pieces and roll into smooth balls.

Set aside for 45 minutes more or until doubled in size again.

For the piping mixture, stir the flour, sugar and 60ml of water into a smooth paste, and pipe onto the risen buns.

Bake buns for ten minutes at 180C, then reduce oven to 170C and cook for a further 30 minutes.

And try adding these…


(31p each)

Sweeten up the buns with added chocolate


  • 150g leftover chocolate from Easter egg
  • 50g cocoa (45p)

METHOD: Follow method above, then at Step 2, add cocoa to flour, cinnamon and mixed spice.

Before Step 3, break choc egg (dark is best) into 1cm pieces and knead into the dough.

Bacon and cheese

(44p each)

Add in bacon and some grated cheese too


  • 250g mature cheddar, grated (£1.49)
  • 250g streaky bacon (£1.14)
  • 75g maple syrup (60p)

METHOD: As above until Step 3, then roll each ball in grated cheese.

Put two slices of bacon over the dough to form a cross.

At Step 4, brush the bacon with maple syrup before cooking.

Roast lamb leftovers

(23p each)

Put your leftover lamb to good use


  • Leftover lamb from your Easter lunch
  • 2 tbsp mint sauce (8p)

METHOD: After Step 5, halve your hot cross buns, spread the mint sauce on both sides and sandwich the meat between the slices.