If Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were still concerned for the Queen they’d beg to delay Oprah interview

Oprah stinger

IF they were still concerned for the Queen they abandoned, Harry and Meghan would beg Oprah to postpone the screening of their interview until happier times.

Their two-hour whinge in the sunlit grounds of a California mansion looks typically insensitive and self-obsessed.

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Harry and Meghan’s two-hour whinge in the sunlit grounds of a California mansion looks typically insensitive and self-obsessed

Her Majesty was kept in the dark about it all.

Now she not only has to help rally our Covid-stricken nation — as her beloved husband endures a third week in hospital aged 99 — she has to fear the damage her runaway grandson and his wife may inflict on the institution she personifies.

They will inevitably criticise the British Press, too, but we are well able to defend ourselves.

The Queen and the ­Palace will be dreading having to soak up whatever barbs are coming their way without engaging in a war of words.

Harry was once Sun readers’ favourite royal. His Army service was hugely admired.

The Queen’s beloved husband Prince Philip is enduring a third week in hospital aged 99

Harry was once Sun readers’ favourite royal

He has torched much of that goodwill with his self-pity, his retreat from his duties (“unbelievably tough”, apparently) and the couple’s childish insistence on having the final word.

Their snarky riposte to the Queen’s statement about their role last month spoke volumes.

As does their website’s pointed new reference to “service”.

So far their main service has been not to charitable causes but to self-promotion and their bulging bank account.

He’s no fuel

WE are delighted Rishi Sunak has seen sense on freezing fuel tax, like three Tory Chancellors before him.

They all liked to moan that The Celeb Report’s decade-long Keep It Down campaign cost them a fortune in lost revenue.

We are delighted Rishi Sunak has seen sense on freezing fuel tax

It is only true if you disregard the savings drivers plough back into the economy.

Hiking fuel tax in tomorrow’s Budget would have been a brake on growth we can ill afford.

Especially with Covid making Brits wary of public transport and even more dependent on their cars.

It would have been a bitter blow to White Van Man too.

We just hope Mr Sunak further agrees with the folly of raising taxes at all.

As one economist after another is warning him, it just is not the moment.

Jab gibberish

THE stunning protection for old people thanks to just one shot of the Oxford or Pfizer Covid jabs has made muppets of the fake news peddlers on the Continent.

It was always absurd to claim a vaccine would work fine up to the age of 64, but be useless over that.

A single dose of the Oxford or Pfizer Covid jabs provides 80 per cent protection against hospitalisation for over-70s

We now know a single dose provides 80 per cent protection against hospitalisation for over-70s.

For political gain, Germany and France rubbished our jabs and our strategy of rapidly doing millions of first shots.

Their idiocy will cost countless EU lives.

What were its leaders thinking?