In 50 years, we’ll look back on what we did to animals with complete horror

I HOPE Great Britain’s animals were tuned into the Queen’s Speech on Tuesday.

Gathered round their radios in their burrows, nests or wherever. They might have been pleasantly surprised.

The Tories have promised to protect animal rights in the UK, but there’s more to be done

The Conservative Party isn’t known for its support of animal rights.

Basically, the Tory view down the years has been chase it and then kill it. They’re not so much friends of the earth as mortal enemies of the earth.

It is a party which has had no respect whatsoever for the animals with which we share our country. That’s because, before, they simply didn’t care.

And were too anxious to please the farmers and the odious gamekeepers. And the toffs on horseback shouting tally-ho.

But maybe they’ve now changed a bit. Because in the Queen’s Speech was a clear commitment to protecting animal rights in the UK.

No more export of live animals for slaughter, for a start.

The banning of hunting trophies brought in from abroad — usually by mega-rich tossers with a weird penis-envy complex.

And the recognition that animals are — just like us — sentient. They understand stuff. They experience pleasure and pain just like the rest of us.

The Queen’s Speech outlines the Government’s plans to recognise animals as sentient

Anybody with a pet will confirm this for you. It’s a shame it’s taken us so long to recognise it officially.

The Government’s pledges are a good first step. But there is so much more that we can do.

For example, for too long this Government has been supporting the totally pointless and cruel culling of badgers. At the behest of some farmers. Stop it, now.


Inoculation is the answer to bovine tuberculosis, not the mass murder of innocent animals.

Then there’s our meat industry. We have 10.6million pigs being reared for slaughter. Most in appalling conditions.

Sows held for their entire lives in a cage so small that they cannot even turn around, their teeth painfully clipped and their tails docked.

Pumped full of antibiotics because of the obscene conditions in which they are kept. The pigs killed by mass gassing.

We also need to consider the totally pointless and cruel culling of badgers

And what about the mass murder of innocent animals in favour of simple inoculation?

These are intelligent animals — at least on a par with most Cabinet ministers. Let the pigs have the semblance of a ­natural life — being able to root around in the open.

How about a ban on all battery ­chickens? Or at the very least very clear labelling on eggs or chicken which have been reared in conditions worse than a concentration camp.

How about a sticker on each carton of eggs from battery hens saying: “Don’t buy these eggs. Spend 20 pence more and get some from hens which at least had a kind of life.”

We need to force our farmers to take more account of the effect they have on the environment.

We might also begin rewilding our grouse moors — an incredible eight per cent of our countryside now kept solely for the cultivation of one species.

So there’s plenty of scope, then. Nice that Boris and Co have recognised it.

The thing is, I suspect that 50 years from now we will look back on how we treated our animals with the same appalled horror we now look back on slavery.

The right to a decent life is the very least our animals should expect.

Ban a fairytale? It’s Snow joke for woke

LATEST thing to enrage the woke lunatics? Walt Disney’s Snow White.

Why? Because in the plot the Prince wakes Snow White with a kiss.

Snowflakes want to ban Snow White because it depicts a non-consensual kiss

And because she was asleep at the time, it was a NON-CONSENSUAL KISS!

Ban Snow White! Ban Snow White! I think some of these people should be in a funny farm, held down by leather restraints.

Going, going, gongs

SHOULD we scrap all awards ceremonies?

Shovel them all up in a dumper truck and deposit them in a landfill site?

Last month Frances McDormand’s Nomadland scooped the Best Picture Oscar

They’ve become a grating annoyance – a parade of slebs grandstanding on political issues about which they know nothing.

Just another chance to do a bit of right-on virtue signalling.

At the Oscars last month – a dismal woke-fest – Best Picture went to the moralising, boring, Nomadland, starring Frances McDormand.

Seen it yet? Nope, nor has anyone else.

And then we had The Brits. The modestly talented Dua Lipa lecturing us all about the NHS and how nurses should be paid more.

Oh, give it a rest, FFS. You know nowt and your songs are crap.

Ban is fat lot of use

THE Government is to ban junk food from being advertised before 9pm. It is worried about our obesity epidemic. But what, exactly, is junk food?

I have the grave suspicion that they mean food that poor people like. And supposed junk food isn’t always unhealthy.

The McDonalds Cheeseburger provides a good slab of protein for 300 calories

Take the McDonald’s Cheeseburger. For less than a quid you get a good slab of protein, enough to keep you going. And the calories – 300, since you asked – are about the same as you’d get in a quinoa, mung bean and avocado salad. And it tastes a LOT nicer.

Meanwhile, an average portion of fish and chips will cost you a whopping 1,000 calories. Will that be subjected to the early evening ban too?

One more worrying announcement from the Queen’s Speech.

It seems like Boris is planning to pave over the country to build more houses. And nobody will be able to complain. The Government intends to stop local councils vetoing planning permission in designated areas.

It’s all very well the Government announcing new laws to safeguard animals. But not much use if you destroy the places where wildlife lives, is it?

The past 30 years has seen a massive increase in house building. But it’s not enough – for on average we take in 250,000 immigrants each year.

The best way to tackle our housing crisis is to control immigration.

And then think more imaginatively about where we might build. Brownfield sites, for example.

And how about encouraging more ­of us to work from home, freeing up town centre property for home owners?

Israel had no choice

IT’S a strange world. Hamas terrorists in Palestine send 1,050 rockets into Israel, killing civilians.

Israel responds by shelling buildings in Gaza it believes are bases for the terrorists. Israel is then called a terrorist state, as a consequence.

Hamas terrorists sent 1,050 rockets into Israel

What were the Israelis meant to do as the rockets came raining down? Smile politely and say “mazel tov!”

Hamas does not want peace with Israel. It wants the country to be wiped from the face of the earth.

There will never be peace in the Middle East until Hamas is kicked out of Palestine.