Inside the banned baby names from around the world that will leave you lost for words – from Nutella to Prince William

WHEN it comes to naming their babies, some parents have some fairly wacky ideas.

But sometimes they are considered so awful, culturally inappropriate or offensive that they are simply not allowed.  

Turns out some countries aren’t so nutty about certain names

Here we breakdown some of the world’s banned names that will leave you lost for words.  


One set of parents in France clearly loved the famous chocolate spread so much that they tried to use it as their daughter’s name.

Thankfully, a judge ruled against the name – claiming it would make her a “target of derision” – and the couple settled on the much more sensible choice Ella.

Prince William

Similar to the Nutella incident, another set of French parents were banned from calling their son Prince William as authorities believed it would lead to a lifetime of mockery.

There’s only room for one Prince William in the world


You might be able to get away with naming your child after a season – but turns out, a day of the week just doesn’t cut it.

When one set of hopeful Italian parents tried to call their baby “Friday”, the government ruled against the moniker and labelled it “ridiculous and shameful”.


Unsurprisingly, another set of parent’s dream of naming their daughter III were quickly squashed by New Zealand authorities.

Insisting that they wanted to name their daughter “Three”, these parents were told that Roman numerals were strictly prohibited from any monikers.


Unfortunately, one mum in Wales thought a deadly chemical was the way to go and wanted to name her daughter after the substance which killed Hitler.

The notorious German dictator’s name, by chance, is also a name banned in New Zealand.

Tahlula the Hula hula from Hawaii

One poor New Zealander was named “Talula does the hula from Hawaii” and complained about her name in a family court hearing.

It was deemed so awful that her parents even lost custody of her because the judge was “so profoundly concerned about the very poor judgment.”

The girl was made a ward of the court in 2008, so she could legally change her name.


Easily the longest on the list – many would agree this this would be nightmare to spell out for everyone you ever meet for the rest of your life.

Supposed to be pronounced “Albin,” parents in Sweden opted for this unusual moniker after they were fined for not naming their son before his fifth birthday.

However, it is far cry from the world’s longest name, which is a whopping 1,019 letters.


Sticking with Sweden and it turns you can’t be called Ikea in Australia unless you are a Scandinavian furniture store.

Unsurprisingly, Sweden also won’t let you name your baby after the company — and that ruling stands today.

Meanwhile, another Aussie pair faced backlash after an attempt to call one poor child Number 16 Bus Shelter was also halted.

Turns out IKEA is trademarked – who knew?


The state of Sonora in Mexico had a trend of parents giving their babies silly names and had to pass a law banning names which are “derogatory, pejorative, discriminatory or lacking in meaning”.

The first on the list of banned monikers was Facebook.


Coming second on Mexico’s red list was Robocop – which presumably rose to popularity in the wake of the hit 1987 sci-fi hit.

The government rejected the two names, alongside a host of others, because they could lead to a child being bullied.

However, if we’ve learnt anything, you’d be one brave individual to mess with Robocop.

A couple of sci-fi fans fancied naming their child after the crime fighting cyborg


It’s not a strikingly odd name, but in Portugal the government keeps an 80-page guide to which baby names are allowed and which are forbidden.

Aiden, Ashley, Bruce, Charlotte, Dylan and Jenny are all banned as foreign names not permitted to be used for Portuguese babies.

Parents are also required to give their child full names – with no nicknames or abbreviations.

This means you can call a baby Thomas (Tomás) but not Tom.


This name sounds relatively pretty on the face of it.

But Japanese parents were the subject of government intervention when they tried to name their child because it literally translates as “The Devil.”

At the time, the Prime Minister’s cabinet issued a statement guiding parents against the name.


Considering how we all go by our “@” social media handles, it’s not that surprising that two Chinese parents tried to cut out the middle man and use the symbol for their son’s name.

Although they insisted the symbol was supposed to be pronounced “ai-ta” meaning “love him”, authorities ruled against the bonkers suggestion.

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