Oxford student behind vote to remove Queen’s portrait is son of millionaire lawyer

THE student behind the vote to remove the Queen’s portrait from an Oxford college is the son of an American millionaire lawyer.

AI computer whizz Matthew Katzman, 25 — in Oxford to do research for Google — tabled the motion to get rid of the image.

Matthew Katzman, 25, tabled the motion to get rid of the image

The 1952 print is now stashed in a cupboard at Magdalen College.

Boris Johnson last night backed Education Secretary Gavin Williamson — who called the move “absurd”.

Woke warrior Katzman was brought up in a £3million mansion in Washington, DC, and attended elite £34,000-a-year Quaker Sidwell Friends School.

Previous students include Malia and Sasha Obama and US President Joe Biden’s grandchildren.

Katzman told Magdalen’s MCR committee of graduate students: “The Queen represents an institution responsible for much of colonialism throughout history.”

The portrait was hanging in a common room in Oxford’s Magdalen college

His dad is a lawyer in the States

Katzman is in Oxford to do research for Google

But an ex-student said: “When did it become such a problem for Oxford to be British?

“Surely these people knew where it was before they moved here?”

University Chancellor Lord Patten said: “Freedom of speech allows even intelligent people to be obnoxiously ignorant.”