Ozzy Osbourne defends wife Sharon after she loses job on The Talk over Meghan Markle and Piers Morgan row

OZZY Osbourne has defended his wife Sharon after her bitter exit from US chat show The Talk.

Straight-talking Sharon, 68, quit after an explosive on-air clash with co-star Sheryl Underwood over pal Piers Morgan’s criticism of Meghan Markle’s interview with Oprah Winfrey.

Ozzy Osbourne has spoken in support of his wife Sharon

After the live bust-up, Sharon was accused of being racist – which she continues to staunchly deny.

On the latest of his SiriusXM show Ozzy Speaks, the Black Sabbath frontman said: “She’s been through the mill of it and, you know, all I can tell you if my wife was slightly racist, I’ll tell you she’s possibly the most unracist person I’ve ever met. And I’m not just saying that.

“It’s still an unpleasant issue… it’s one of them things once you’re accused of it, people tar you with that brush and it’s very hard to shake off.”

However, Ozzy said his wife had “weathered the storm” and was moving on with her life.

The longtime host recently quit US show The Talk

Piers spoke out in defence of his friend at the time, tweeting it was an “absolute disgrace” that Sharon had been forced out.

Next to a photo of them together, he wrote: “What’s happened to ⁦@MrsSOsbourne⁩ is an absolute disgrace that shames CBS. Bullied out of her job for defending me against an invented slur of racism because I don’t believe a liar. In tomorrow’s Mail on Sunday, I’ll tell MY truth about this woke cancel culture bulls*t.”

We reported in March how Sharon was livid with the way she had been treated and had “lost trust in the network”.We reported in March how Sharon was livid with the way she had been treated and had “lost trust in the network”.

Sharon has been under fire ever since her ‘racism fight’ with co-host Sheryl Underwood

Insiders insisted that furious Sharon was “utterly bewildered by the way” that CBS bosses made it “look like she was racist.”

The reality TV icon felt she was a victim of “cancel culture” for defending pal Piers’s right to free speech following the Oprah interview.

And a source claimed to The Celeb Report: “It became clear that the relationship with the network was over. She as no desire to return because it felt like no-one was willing to defend her or accept the decision to release the controversial episode after the on air fall out.”

Sharon defended her friend Piers Morgan during the fight

Piers faced backlash for making negative comments about Meghan Markle’s Oprah Winfrey interview

Sharon took home at least “two season’s payments” as a “farewell package” after drafting in leading publicist Howard Bragman of LaBreaPR and lawyer Jeremiah Reynolds of the Los Angeles-based firm Eisner.

An LA TV source said: “Her departure from the show comes after Sharon lost trust in the network in the wake of the incident.

“She remains livid at the way the show made her the protagonist, and what she sees as being presented as racist.

“Sharon has stuck to her guns insisting that having an intense argument with a friend Sheryl where they had ‘a go at one another’ should not mean she is racist, because Sheryl is black.

“That has been her stance all the way.  Of course she is heartbroken to have fallen out with Sheryl and hopes they can repair their decade long friendship.

The insider added: “Certainly Sharon points the finger CBS for this matter escalating into this scandal, when it could have been overcome with a show or a special to air out matters. The network seemingly did not want that to happen.”

Ozzy Osbourne’s wife has stood by the claims that she’s not racist

Ozzy’s wife may have lost her gig of 11 years, but she did not walk away without a significant payout

The source said: “Word around the studio was the she go two seasons worth of payment for this termination deal. The is well over $10m. We are uncertain at this stage what the intricacies and the small print may be.

“However anyone that knows Sharon, is aware she is never one to walk away quietly or not say her peace.” 

The insider continued: “Another aspect which has wrangled her is that over many seasons all the hosts have made powerful comments and discussed very sensitive issues.

“But she is bewildered that her job and what she was encouraged to do for years was speak out and be bold and made headlines – and now this happened without consideration of that guidance from the executives at the network.”

Sharon’s departure from The Talk was a major shock

In the aftermath of her exit, Sharon shut down other allegations of racism and impropriety in a report alleging she frequently referred to previous co-hosts Julie Chen, who is Chinese American, “as ‘wonton’ and ‘slanty eyes,'” and called Sara Gilbert “who is a lesbian, as ‘p**sy licker’ and ‘fish eater.'”

Sharon’s PR Bragman labeled the claims as false, adding: “For 11 years Sharon has been kind, collegial and friendly with her hosts as evidenced by throwing them parties, inviting them to her home in the UK and other gestures of kindness too many to name. 

“Sharon is disappointed but unfazed and hardly surprised by the lies, the recasting of history and the bitterness coming out at this moment.

“She will survive this, as she always has and her heart will remain open and good, because she refuses to let others take her down. She thanks her family, friends and fans for standing by her and knowing her true nature.”