PRINCE Andrew was holed up alone in Windsor last night after pal Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted of sex trafficking — and his family left for a ski holiday.
A New York Court will decide on Tuesday if his accuser Virginia Giuffre’s assault claims can go to trial.

Andrew, 61, denies any wrongdoing.
Chauntae Davies, a victim of Maxwell and billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, said of Andrew: “He could be feeling very, very uncomfortable right about now.”
Andrew must face a criminal probe into any links to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s underage abuse ring, a grooming victim said last night.
Jennifer Araoz, just 15 when raped by Epstein, demanded the royal be investigated hours after his pal Maxwell was found guilty of sex trafficking.
Make-up artist Jennifer, now 34, told The Celeb Report: “The authorities should have been investigating other people a long time ago.
“Prince Andrew needs to be investigated for any women who were involved with him.
“The TV interview he had to ‘prove his innocence’ didn’t come across very well in my opinion.
“If the authorities haven’t investigated other people by now, it’s hard to see if they will.
“But I have a lot of faith in the justice system. If they feel like they need to go further then they will.”
Click here for the latest news on Ghislaine Maxwell
Last night lawyers for Maxwell’s victims said Andrew should be “quaking in his boots”.
A New York court will decide on Tuesday if the civil lawsuit against the Duke of York brought by Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre can proceed to a trial next year.
Ms Giuffre, now living in Perth, Western Australia, yesterday hinted that the guilty verdict against Maxwell was just the beginning — without mentioning Andrew by name.
She said: “Now I can start really working past Maxwell and thinking about the others who need to be held accountable.
“Epstein and Maxwell took a part of my childhood that I’ll never get back. But let’s just say, it wasn’t just them who participated in this.
“Justice to me looks like holding all of these people involved in the sex ring, those who greased its wheels, named and shamed.”
Isolated Andrew was last night holed up in Windsor after his former wife Sarah Ferguson and daughters Beatrice and Eugenie jetted off without him for a winter ski break.
But sources close to the Prince remained defiant last night.
A friend of Andrew said: “This was Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial, not the Duke’s.
“Nothing new of any substance has been raised in relation to the Duke.
“Any mentions have been glancing blows, not body blows.”
Earlier this year it was reported Andrew was a person of interest in the Epstein probe led by the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York.
American law enforcement officers were stung into action by Epstein’s jail suicide in 2019, promising to go after his accomplices.
Sources claim Andrew has so far refused to co-operate, with US investigators forced to apply for a mutual legal assistance treaty with Britain.
And we can reveal the Met Police has declined to launch a full investigation into the alleged actions of Maxwell, Epstein or Andrew six times in recent years.
The force told The Celeb Report yesterday it was taking no further action against heiress Maxwell, 60, despite being handed a dossier on her and Epstein by Channel 4 early this year.
Maxwell was convicted on five of six charges, including three of conspiracy and the most serious of sex trafficking of a minor.
She was branded a “sophisticated predator” in the New York trial and faces a 65-year term, meaning the rest of her life behind bars.
The jury heard how she manipulated girls to serve up to Epstein in a “pyramid scheme of abuse”.
Andrew, 61, insisted in his 2019 Newsnight TV interview that he had not known Epstein that well, after being introduced to him by Maxwell in 1999.
He told the BBC’s Emily Maitlis: “It would be, to some extent, a stretch to say that, as it were, we were close friends.
“I mean we were friends because of other people and I had a lot of opportunity to go to the US but I didn’t have much time with him.
“On balance, could I have avoided ever meeting him? Probably not and that’s because of my friendship with Ghislaine . . . it was inevitable that we would have come across each other.”
But evidence would show how he invited the daughter of crooked newspaper tycoon Robert Maxwell and Epstein into the heart of the Royal Family.
Prosecutors provided a photo showing her and Epstein cosied up in a log cabin at the Queen’s Balmoral estate.
And on today’s front page we have printed a never-before-seen snap of Ghislaine and Epstein snuggled up in fluffy spa robes.
Brad Edwards, lawyer for “Kate”, one of the four accusers who gave evidence against Maxwell, said time was running out for the Prince.
He added: “This doesn’t help Andrew at all.
“He’s in the photo with Virginia Giuffre and now a jury has spoken in part about Virginia.
“All he has left in his life, as it relates to Maxwell and Epstein, are technicalities.
“I don’t know how many technicalities you can string on a rope.”
Ms Giuffre’s lawyers believe the guilty verdicts against Maxwell could be a harbinger of things to come — as they prepare to face Andrew in civil court.
One count that Maxwell was convicted of was partly based on claims from Ms Giuffre that she was recruited by the Brit socialite.
LA lawyer Lisa Bloom, who represented eight victims of Epstein, said: “He (Andrew) should be quaking in his boots.
“Because this shows that a jury is willing to come back with a guilty verdict even if the accusers are not perfect.”
Ms Giuffre’s lawyer Sigrid McCawley said the Maxwell judgment was historic.
She added: “What you’ve seen here is a jury that took it upon itself to believe these victims, hear their voices and render a verdict which told the American public that regardless of power, privilege, whether you are a president or a prince, you will be held accountable if you engage in sexual trafficking.”
Mum-of-three Giuffre added of Maxwell yesterday: “She was the devil’s right-hand man.
“She made these appointments for him (Epstein), she actively went out there and scouted for new girls.
“She was part of the sexual encounters at times. She’s definitely worse than Epstein.
“She used that charm, that wit, that smile to come off as somebody you want to trust.
“It’s definitely a relief to know that she’s off the streets.”
Monster Ball
MASKED sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell poses with rapist Harvey Weinstein and paedophile Jeffrey Epstein at Princess Beatrice’s 18th birthday party.
Beatrice’s dad Andrew invited the despicable threesome to the 1888-themed masked ball at Windsor Castle in 2006.

The £400,000 bash, marking 100 years before Beatrice was born in 1988, came just days before Epstein was arrested on child prostitution charges.
Movie mogul Weinstein, convicted of rape in 2020, was one of 400 guests, including Beatrice’s sister Eugenie and mum Sarah.