Prince Andrew’s aide backed alleged Chinese spy despite warning from intelligence services

Prince Andrew’s aide backed alleged Chinese spy despite warning from intelligence services

Supporting an Alleged Spy

Prince Andrew’s senior aide, Dominic Hampshire, supported an alleged Chinese spy, Yang Tengbo, despite being warned about his activities by intelligence services. Hampshire wrote a statement backing Yang after he was blocked from entering the UK.

Secrecy and Public Interest

The contents of the letter supporting Yang’s appeal against the ban have been kept secret, with media organizations now applying for the secrecy order to be lifted on public interest grounds.

Lack of Common Sense

During a tribunal hearing, media lawyers criticized Prince Andrew's aide for showing a "lack of common sense" by agreeing to give evidence supporting the alleged spy without legal advice. Yang, who claims he has not done anything wrong, was excluded from the UK on national security grounds in March 2023.

Concerns and Rejection

Judges at the Special Immigration Appeals Commission tribunal concluded that Yang had not been honest about his ties to the Chinese state and could potentially exploit his relationship with the duke and other public figures. Yang's appeal to the SIAC was rejected last year.

Prince Andrew’s aide backed alleged Chinese spy despite warning from intelligence services

Early Warning

Media lawyers revealed that Hampshire was in contact with UK intelligence services about Yang in 2022, well before he was excluded from the UK. Despite the warnings, Hampshire's lawyer stated that his client had not tried to hide his involvement.