Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ‘wanted to move to Windsor Castle’ – but were given Frogmore Cottage instead

PRINCE Harry and Meghan Markle wanted to move to Windsor Castle – but were given Frogmore Cottage instead, according to an explosive new book.

The New Royals by Kate Nichols claims that when the Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced plans to relocate from Kensington Palace, they set their sights on a suite of apartments at Windsor.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ‘wanted to move to Windsor Castle’ – but were given Frogmore Cottage instead
The couple set their sights on Windsor Castle but were given Frogmore Cottage instead

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ‘wanted to move to Windsor Castle’ – but were given Frogmore Cottage instead
The book says Lady Elizabeth suggests Her Majesty found Harry’s behaviour worrying before he met his now-wife

But, instead, the Queen made the “generous gesture” of offering them Frogmore Cottage as their new home instead, an extract from the book, published by MailOnline, says.

The late Lady Elizabeth Anson, who died in 2020, spoke with the Queen frequently in the lead up to the eventual Megxit.

She said: “The cottage was a big deal.

“The Queen’s entrance into the gardens is right next to their cottage. It is essentially her back yard, her solitude, and her privacy.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ‘wanted to move to Windsor Castle’ – but were given Frogmore Cottage instead


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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ‘wanted to move to Windsor Castle’ – but were given Frogmore Cottage instead


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“She was giving that up in gifting Harry and Meghan Frogmore Cottage. We all thought it was very big of her. She said, ‘I hope they’ll respect it.’ ”

In the book, Lady Elizabeth suggests Her Majesty found Harry’s behaviour worrying before he met his now-wife.

When Harry spoke about the “total chaos” caused by shutting down his emotions for 20 years in 2017, his grandmother was worried the mystique of the Royal Family would be shattered, and speaking so candidly would only encourage more interest on the subject.

Lady Elizabeth said: “When I said to the Queen ‘I think it’s no bad thing he’s opened up’, she replied, ‘I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. [The media] will want to know more and more’.”

It comes amid claims Markle told Harry she would break up with him if he didn’t announce publicly they were dating, a new book has claimed.

In his latest work, Courtiers: The Hidden Power Behind the Crown, royal correspondent and author Valentine Low says the Duchess of Sussex dished an ultimatum to her now-husband.

According to an extract from the book, published on The Times, as Harry was facing “hordes of journalists” keen to dig into his new girlfriend’s life, Harry “became determined to protect” her.

But at the same time, it is claimed Meghan told him that if he didn’t announce how serious they were, she was out.

The book claims: “A source said: ‘She was saying, “If you don’t put out a statement confirming I’m your girlfriend, I’m going to break up with you”. Harry was in a panic’.

The claim is one of a series of scathing revelations made about Meghan in Low’s story, airing a number of claims from insiders and former aides inside his latest analysis of life behind palace walls.

He wrote that while Meghan worked to be portrayed publicly in a positive light during the couple’s tour of Australia in 2018, behind the scenes “it was a different story“.

The book states: “Although she enjoyed the attention, Meghan failed to understand the point of all those walkabouts, shaking hands with countless strangers.

“According to several members of staff, she was heard to say on at least one occasion, ‘I can’t believe I’m not getting paid for this’.”

Low also stated that ahead of the couple’s engagement, she attempted to make her arrival known among the palace staff.

The book says: “In the spring of 2017, more than six months before the couple were engaged, she told one of Harry’s advisers: ‘I think we both know I’m going to be one of your bosses soon’.”