PRINCE Harry controversially claimed the Government had hit “rock bottom”.
Royals are supposed to remain politically neutral and not comment on the Government.

Prince Harry controversially claimed the Government had hit ‘rock bottom’
But he broke protocol by launching his astonishing political intervention in his 55-page witness statement.
He said: “On a national level as, at the moment, our country is judged globally by the state of our press and our government — both of which I believe are at rock bottom.
“Democracy fails when your press fails to scrutinise and hold the government accountable, and instead choose to get into bed with them so they can ensure the status quo.
“I may not have a role within the Institution but, as a member of the British Royal Family, and as a soldier upholding important values, I feel there is a responsibility to expose this criminal activity in the name of public interest.”
Speaking about the press, he went on: “They claim to hold public figures to account, but refuse to hold themselves accountable.
“If they are supposedly policing society, who on Earth is policing them, when even the government is scared of alienating them because position is power?”
He concluded: “It is incredibly worrying for the entire UK.”
Last night Tory MP Brendan Clarke-Smith said: “If he wants to intervene in politics then perhaps the US is a better place for him — so I hope they don’t revoke his visa.”