Prince Harry ‘crosses Charles’ red line’ after astonishing attacks on Camilla – calling her a ‘villain’ and ‘dangerous’

PRINCE Harry has stunned telly viewers with astonishing attacks on his step-mother Camilla — calling her “the villain” who left “bodies in the street”.

The Duke said that she was ruthless in her pursuit of ­marriage to husband Charles, and the Crown.

Prince Harry ‘crosses Charles’ red line’ after astonishing attacks on Camilla – calling her a ‘villain’ and ‘dangerous’
Prince Harry was said to have ‘crossed Charles’s red line’ after attacking Camilla

Prince Harry ‘crosses Charles’ red line’ after astonishing attacks on Camilla – calling her a ‘villain’ and ‘dangerous’
Harry said that Camilla was ruthless in her pursuit of ­marriage to husband Charles and the Crown

Prince Harry ‘crosses Charles’ red line’ after astonishing attacks on Camilla – calling her a ‘villain’ and ‘dangerous’
Speaking to CBS’s Anderson Cooper, Harry said Camilla was ‘the villain’

A US TV interview on Sunday evening referred to Harry’s biography in which he reportedly wrote about being “sacrificed” on Camilla’s “personal P.R. altar”.

Harry, 38, was said to have “crossed Charles’s red line” after attacking the monarch’s wife while promoting his book, Spare.

The swipes at the Queen Consort, 75, could now place his and Meghan’s invite to the Coronation in four months’ time in peril.

They will also fuel growing calls for the couple to be stripped of their Duke and Duchess titles.

Speaking to CBS’s Anderson Cooper, Harry said of Camilla: “She was the villain.

Referring to Charles and his mum Princess Diana, he added: “She (Camilla) was the third person in their marriage. She needed to rehabilitate her image.”

In his book, Harry wrote that Camilla was “dangerous” as she tried to get better press coverage.

He told CBS: “That made her dangerous because of the connections that she was forging within the British press.

“And there was open willingness on both sides to trade of information.

“And with a family built on hierarchy, and with her, on the way to being Queen Consort, there was gonna be people or bodies left in the street because of that.”

Harry accused Camilla of being “in bed with the devil” and alleged — wrongly, according to sources — that she leaked her first meeting with William.

The Duke had already stunned the Palace by writing that he and elder brother William “pleaded” with their father not to marry Camilla — and accusing her of leaking stories.

Camilla and Charles, 74, were at Balmoral on Sunday night, when the TV interview was broadcast.

Prince Harry ‘crosses Charles’ red line’ after astonishing attacks on Camilla – calling her a ‘villain’ and ‘dangerous’
The Royal Family was hailed for not responding to Harry’s brickbats

Prince Harry ‘crosses Charles’ red line’ after astonishing attacks on Camilla – calling her a ‘villain’ and ‘dangerous’
Camilla and Charles were at Balmoral when the TV interview was broadcast

An insider said: “Harry spared his father but that has very little currency for Charles because he went after Camilla.

“His wife was his red line and Harry knew that before he sat down for these interviews. Some of the allegations about leaking don’t stand up to scrutiny as Camilla is not guilty in leaking her meeting with William.

“Palace staff are incredibly loyal to Camilla and this will go down like a lead balloon.”

The Royal Family was hailed for not responding to Harry’s brickbats.

Sources also said the King cannot hit back because Harry keeps changing his story.

Speaking about Camilla in another pre-recorded interview, he told Good Morning America: “We haven’t spoken for a long time.”

He added: “You know I love every member of my family despite the differences, so when I see her we’re perfectly pleasant with each other. She’s my stepmother, I don’t look at her as an evil stepmother,

“I see someone who married into this institution and has done everything that she can to, you know, improve her own reputation and her own image. For her own sake.”

Almost a year ago, Queen Elizabeth II said it was her “sincerest wish” that Camilla take on the title Queen Consort after her death.

But Harry did say he has a “huge amount of compassion” for Camilla especially her being a “third person” in his parents’ marriage.

Harry also revealed he “doesn’t text” William and he said of Charles: “We haven’t spoken for quite a while”.

And he declared he and Meghan, 40, will never move back to the UK and become working members of the Royal Family.

He told Good Morning America: “I don’t think it’s ever going to be possible. I don’t think that even if there was an agreement or an arrangement between me and my family, there’s that third party that’s going to do everything they can to make sure that isn’t possible — not stopping us from going back but making it unsurvivable.”

Prince Harry ‘crosses Charles’ red line’ after astonishing attacks on Camilla – calling her a ‘villain’ and ‘dangerous’
Harry accused Camilla of being ‘in bed with the devil’

On CBS, Mr Cooper asked Harry — given his animosity to the monarchy — why he and Meghan did not just renounce their titles.

The Duke fired back: “And what difference would that make?”

The Celeb Report understands stripping the pair of their titles is currently very unlikely.

Kristina Kyriacou, a former communications secretary to Charles, said: “I think the way the Royal Family has conducted themselves had been exemplary by not responding. They are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

“In my experience the King will take a long view and look at everything. By putting out a statement they can’t possibly address absolutely everything Harry is saying from one day to the next.

“It will just add fuel to the fire. In any event, from one day to the next Harry and Meghan’s narrative is changing.”

“I think Harry is going to end up hurting himself the most.”

Spare hit bookshelves at midnight.

The Celeb Report revealed its contents first last week when we got our hands on copies when it went on sale five days early in Spain.

Last night Buckingham Palace did not want to comment.