Prince Harry exposes ‘disconnect’ with Meghan Markle’s Oprah claims after opening up on TV doc

PRINCE Harry has exposed a “disconnect” with Meghan Markle’s claims in the couple’s bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey.

The Duke of Sussex made a “slip of the tongue”on a recent podcast appearance which didn’t match up with the Duchess story, a TV presenter has claimed.

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A TV presenter has claimed Harry and Meghan’s account of events do not match up

Meghan Markle told Oprah Winfrey she was denied help when her mental health was suffering

In a recent podcast Harry said Meghan pushed him to go to therapy

The Duke of Sussex told Dax Shepard’s Armchair Expert podcast that his wife had spurred him to receive therapy to get help with feelings of “frustration” about things that were “out of his control”.

But back in March, Meghan told Oprah that she was denied help from the firm after struggling with her mental health.

She claimed: “I went to the institution and I said that I needed to go somewhere to get help.

“I said, ‘I’ve never felt this way before and I need to go somewhere’.

“And I was told that I couldn’t, that it wouldn’t be good for the institution.”

Sky News Australia presenter Andrew Bolt brought up the disconnect while speaking to Royal commentator Daisy Cousens.

He said: “Didn’t she say in her notorious interview with Oprah Winfrey that when she wanted to go see a therapist herself Buckingham Palace refused her permission?

Meghan claimed she was told that her getting help ‘wouldn’t be good for the institution’

Prince Harry, the actual prince could get therapy but his wife could not?”

Cousens agreed, adding: “It is pretty extraordinary, I didn’t actually pick that up until you mentioned it.

“That is very well spotted because there is a giant disconnect there between the two stories. Quite a slip of the tongue from Harry.

“The whole big point they made in the interview was that the Palace would not let Meghan get any therapy because they thought it would look bad.

“I am sorry but if this is true why would Prince Harry be allowed to get therapy?”

During the podcast, Dax asked Harry about what spurred him to seek therapy. 

The Duke responded: “It was a conversation I had with my now wife. 

“She saw it straight away, she could tell that I was hurting and that some of the stuff that was out of my control was making me really angry – it would make my blood boil.”

He added: “I’ve never screamed, I’ve never shouted but for me the best way of letting out the aggression is through boxing.”

Harry said he needed help processing the death of his mother

Harry also spoke candidly of the three times in his life where he recalled feeling “helpless”. 

He highlighted a moment where he sat in the back of a car with his mum Diana as she was chased by paparazzi, spending time in Afghanistan in an Apache helicopter and an unspecified time with his wife Meghan. 

Harry added: “Those are the times in my life where feeling helpless really hurts.”

During the chat, Harry said that therapy had made him a better dad and helped him to “process” a number of traumatic events in his life. 

He said: “Losing my mum at 12 and all the traumatic experiences that happened to me since then made me think, perhaps I need to deal with this and process this.

“Because if I don’t how the hell am I going to be a decent father to my son and daughter?’

“Talking about and processing it has helped me heal.”

Harry added: “I don’t need therapy anymore – but I want it.”

Prince Harry also revealed he feels “more free” since his move to LA, where he lives with Meghan Markle and son Archie.

He told the podcast: “Living here now I can actually lift my head and actually I feel different, my shoulders have dropped, so has hers, you can walk around feeling a little bit more free.

“I can take Archie on the back of my bicycle. I never had the chance to do that.”