LORD of the Rings superfan Prince William and wife Kate were given a private late-night tour of the set of the films’ TV spin-off.
The Prince, 40, and Princess of Wales, 41, also took their older children George, nine, and Charlotte, seven, to meet the cast of The Rings of Power.

Prince William and wife Kate were given a private late-night tour of the set of the Lord of the Rings TV show

The couple and their children were introduced to the major cast members and shown around the set
They were invited to see the big-budget Prime Video show being filmed on Friday evening, sources said.
The four were said to have arrived with security at a forest in Buttersteep Rise, in Ascot, while Louis, four, stayed at home in nearby Windsor.
The source went on: “William is a huge fan of the films so jumped at the chance.
“They were introduced to the major cast members and were shown around the set.
“It was all hugely exciting for George and Charlotte who loved looking at the props and how everything was laid out.
“Louis stayed at home as it was a bit late in the evening for him.
“They were accompanied by security and it was very low-key.
“It was a huge honour for the cast, too.”
Actor Martin Freeman previously revealed William was a big fan of JRR Tolkien, who wrote The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings books.
Martin, who played Bilbo Baggins, said: “He knew all the facts about Middle Earth.”
The filming was for a second series of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, set thousands of years before Tolkien’s epic fantasy novels.