BEING a royal comes with a bag of responsibilities and appearing happy in the public eye is one of them.
They’re often seen waving and smiling at crowds – but whose grin is the fairest of them all?

According to experts at, the British Royal Family member with the most attractive smile is Princess Beatrice.
The new mum, 33, who gave birth to a baby girl last week, took the crown, beating her sister Princess Eugenie and Meghan Markle who placed second and third respectively.
The study used a computer vision algorithm to work out the geometric golden ratio of each royal’s smile, and gave their teeth a whiteness ranking based on RGB colour estimates.
They were then scored based on both sets of results, with Beatrice coming out on top with 9.09 out of 10.
Here we’ve brought together a selection of royal smiles – so, can you guess who they belong to?
1. Daddy’s girl

2. Hazard a guess?

3. Countess Colgate

4. Heirs and braces

5. Lip service

6. One is amused

7. Rugged smile

8. Cam you guess?

9. Bit of all white

10. Eu got it?

11. King of the grin

12. Suits her

13. Golden Girl