Queen of Clean reveals how to get your filthy, burnt-on pans spotless in seconds – and all you need is a teabag

SCRUBBING your burnt-on pans is by far the worst part of cooking and enjoying a nice meal.

But Lynsey Crombie, the Queen of Clean, has revealed how you can get them spotless in seconds without the scrubbing, and all you need is a teabag.

Lynsey Crombie, the Queen of Clean, revealed how to get this grubby pan spotless using just a teabag

There is no scrubbing involved whatsoever

We agree, it sounds too good to be true, which is why the mum-of-three demonstrated the hack in action on her Instagram – and it really works.

Sharing the hack with her 219k followers, the cleaning guru wrote: “New or used tea bags are a great cleaner and they work amazing at cleaning up dirty pans.

“Let the tea do the trick. No scrubbing required.”

In the clip she showed her grubby pan filled with a small amount of water to soak.

You can use a used teabag or a new one

Simply let the pan soak with the teabag and some water and the tannins will get to work

One you pour out the liquid you’ll be left with an almost new pan

Then she chucks in a teabag and revealed the tannins in the brew target the hard-to-clean spots.

The cleaning sensation says to leave it for 15 minutes and in this time you can easily do a couple of other things.

When you return, pour out the liquid (and the stubborn gunk) and rinse the pan.

You’ll be surprised by how clean it looks without even taking a sponge to it.

Mum-of-three Lynsey Crombie is known for her clever cleaning tips

For more of Lynsey’s tips, she previously revealed how to remove melted candle wax from your carpet – and it only takes minutes.

Plus how you should ACTUALLY be wiping your worktops – and you’ve probably been doing it all wrong.

And , she shared her top tips to help clothes dry inside over winter – and you’ll need some tin foil.

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