Sarah Ferguson hails The Sun’s ‘fantastic’ Jabs Army and urges readers to help get Britain vaccinated

THE DUCHESS of York last night urged more to join The Celeb Report’s Jabs Army — as our recruit tally edged closer to smashing 40,000.

Sarah Ferguson hailed our campaign as “fantastic” and spoke of the vital push to sign up volunteers to help with the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out.

The Duchess of York urged more readers to join The Celeb Report’s Jabs Army — as our recruit tally edged closer to smashing 40,000

The Duchess said: “The vaccine roll-out is an incredible thing to witness — hard-working nurses and medics working crazy hours to get us all inoculated so we can get Britain moving again. Their dedication is truly humbling.

“But it is also the volunteers who help them in their important task who we have to thank — and who we also need. Without them the task is even harder, which is why The Celeb Report’s Jabs Army is vital.”

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She explained how watching footage of volunteers assisting people up and down the country when the vaccine programme began last month had left her with a sense of pride.

Sarah, 61, said: “I was moved watching the queues of people in great spirits being helped into vaccination centres by volunteer stewards. How fantastic that we can all play a part.

Join The Celeb Report’s Jabs Army campaign and help get Britain vaccinated

“I urge you all to sign up for Jabs Army and play your part in this enormous challenge.”

She becomes the latest influential person to throw their weight behind our initiative, following Gary Lineker, Piers Morgan, Jane Moore and Jeremy Clarkson. Prime Minister Boris Johnson described our campaign “a brilliant example of the power of collective action”.

The Celeb Report’s Jabs Army drive — last night standing at 39,158 — aims to recruit 50,000 volunteers for vaccination centres. No experience is necessary — so why not sign up today?

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