Spoof website jokes Prince Harry ‘running for vice presidency’ with Meghan Markle and lists skills as ‘saying things’

A SPOOF website promoting Prince Harry for vice president has been set up – with the Duke’s campaign credits including ‘saying things out loud’ and ‘listening to Meghan’.

The tongue-in-cheek ‘H for Vice President’ comes on the back of Meghan Markle’s mock presidency bid and encourages voters to #StandWithHarry.

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A spoof website has promoted Prince Harry for vice president

The site encourages voters to be kind among a selection of action statements

The campaign’s slogan reads ‘H for Vice President’ and merges the Union Jack with the American flag

It notes the prince is a military leader with “two A-Levels” including a D in Geography.

He has also been to Africa “loads of times” and signed “more than a hundred documents and letters”.

The site also pitches the prince as the perfect vice president, with Meghan the best person to lead: “Meghan says we just need to be kinder to ourselves,” one message reads.

Another says: “Meghan says the time has come for change”.

An ‘official’ campaign post on the site confirms the Duke of Sussex’s phoney election drive.

It states: “Firstly, I want to be clear I am not writing this under duress.

“I enjoy my life in Montecito and I am very happy with the decision to leave the Royal Family. Meghan is a wonderful, kind person.

“She has taught me so much. I was trapped, but I didn’t know I was trapped.”

Prince Harry is not really running for VP – but the website is very convincing

Voters are urged to ‘Stand With Harry’

The hoax announcements goes on to add: “Meghan says it is time to run for Vice President.

“I look forward to sharing the full details of this exciting next step in due course. Until then, please accept our deepest thanks for your continued support.

“Let’s get to work.”

The prank site features a selection of glitzy features, including a separate ‘Meghan for Presidency’ page and a section to buy ‘Make Montecito Great Again’ apparel.

It also pokes fun at the Duke’s exit from royal life, referencing comments he made to Oprah which suggested he only left because of Meghan.

During their bombshell interview, which racked up 4,398 Ofcom complaints and hurled the Royal Family into crisis mode, the ex royals made a series of allegations about the Firm.

Harry said he was “trapped within the system, like the rest of my family are”.

He said “no” he would not have left if it were not for Meghan, with messages on the site echoing his obedience.

One jokes: “Meghan says it is our mission to unite this aggressive, confrontational, and dangerous world to bring us all closer. Together. United.”

It comes as the couple bid for a “more compassionate world” on their own website Archwell.com, and urge everyone to be more kind.

Meanwhile rumours around Meghan’s bid for presidency swirl, with a senior member of the Labour party reportedly saying she wants to climb the ranks in US politics.

And the Duchess is rumoured to want to stand as a Democrat in 2024 when current president Joe Biden will be 82.

Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would be even more tempted to run for re-election if he faced Meghan Markle in 2024.

When quizzed about the possibility, he told Fox News: “Well I hope that happens because if that happened I think I’d have an even stronger feeling toward running.”

You can support H for vice president here.