The Queen has shared amazing meetings with ordinary folk, have YOU met her majesty?

IN almost 70 years on the throne, the Queen has had some amazing meetings with ordinary folk, as well as the rich and famous.

On a visit to a hospital ward in 2008, she met Betty Hyde, 69, who gave the Queen a present of two BANANAS.

On a visit to a hospital ward in 2008, she met Betty Hyde, 69, who gave The Queen two bananas

It was a special thank you because as a child in 1943, Betty was in hospital and the Queen Mum gave HER two bananas.

So do YOU have a story about meeting The Queen?

Sun royal photographer Arthur Edwards, who took this picture of Elizabeth and Betty, says: “Nobody ever forgets the day they met the Queen.

And to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, we would love to tell your stories about meeting the most famous woman in the world.”

You could have been introduced to her, or maybe you spotted her on a day out or you got to chat to her by accident.

She may have presented you with an award or an honour.

Or maybe you were at the Coronation or one of her three jubilees.

Perhaps, like Betty, from Kings Lynn, Norfolk, you have a funny story to tell.

If you have a story and/or photos, email [email protected].

And early next year we will publish as many as possible of your memories of meeting the Queen.

Sun royal photographer Arthur Edwards took the picture of Queen Elizabeth and Betty

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