Entitled pair
WHAT did petulant Prince Harry expect when he quit the Royal Family?
His honorary military titles came with the job.

And if he and Meghan now lose their Royal ones too — as they should, imminently — they cannot complain.
It will be essential if the Monarchy is to be slimmed down, as Prince Charles intends and the public wants.
Besides, a clean break is best both for the Californian capers and the Palace.
Meghan despises the institution.
Harry does now too.
Do they really want any connection to it?
They certainly don’t deserve it after their Oprah tantrum.
Why do they still need to be “Duke and Duchess” or raise Archie as a prince?
Aren’t their incredible woke insights, creative genius and boundless compassion saleable enough on their own?
It will be Charles, William and Kate who carry on the Queen’s exemplary work when one day her epic reign ends.
They look exceptionally capable of it.
Tax suicide
NO ONE votes Tory for higher taxes.
So Rishi Sunak won’t be able to hike tax to fund social care.

It is a breach of his party’s manifesto and wouldn’t fly with Tory MPs let alone voters.
The raising of corporation tax, hurting jobs and investment, was bad enough.
The Tories are supposedly the party of home ownership and lower taxes.
We now have starter homes too pricey for an entire generation.
Picking workers’ pockets as well would be a step too far.
Labour Berc
LABOUR should have kept very quiet about ex-Tory John Bercow joining them.
If you are trying to pretend to Red Wall seats that you “respect” their Brexit vote, don’t embrace the poisonous toad who alongside Keir Starmer so publicly devoted himself to negating it.

But not only did the ex-Commons Speaker violate the historic impartiality of his office to help his Labour “People’s Vote” comrades.
He is still being probed over bullying claims (which he denies).
Labour MPs are hailing Bercow’s “defection”.
That is bone-headed with the stricken party facing a potential new by-election disaster in just 11 days.
The Tories are laughing their socks off.
TV winners
NEVER have NHS heroes deserved national recognition more than since Covid struck.
So we are delighted The Celeb Report’s annual Who Cares Wins ceremony will be televised for the first time.

We have been proud since 2017 to honour nurses, doctors, charity workers and others who have gone above and beyond.
Thanks to our partners NHS Charities Together and Channel 4, it will be bigger than ever.
We can’t wait.