THE 2021 State of Opening Parliament is just around around the corner.
Our majesty The Queen will give her speech which will outline the parliamentary plans for the year ahead.

When is the State Opening of Parliament in 2021?
The State Opening of Parliament is due to take place on Tuesday, May 11, 2021.
This is where the Queen will set out the Government’s agenda going forward, following last week’s elections.
She will give her speech from the throne in the House of Lords.
This will include Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plans for new laws to be introduced in the coming year as well as what he would like to discuss further or drop completely.

What is the State Opening of Parliament?
In a tradition which goes as far back as the 16th century, the State of Opening Parliament marks the start of the parliamentary year.
The ceremony in its current format dates from the opening of the rebuilt Palace of Westminster in 1852 after the fire of 1834.
The pomp and ceremony usually on show at the most colourful parliamentary event of the year, has been scaled back due to the restrictions in place as a result of the coronavirus.
It is regarded as one of the most eagerly awaited events in the parliamentary calendar.

Can I watch the State Opening of Parliament?
The State Opening of Parliament will be broadcast live on both BBC News and Sky News.
You can watch it online via BBC iPlayer, and on Sky News’ YouTube channel.
It will also be shown live on Parliament TV and a livestream of the Queen’s Speech will be on House of Lords Twitter from 11.25am.