DANGER is on the horizon for Aadi Alahan as he grows infatuated with Courtney, an older woman taking advantage of him.
Tensions grow in Coronation Street next week when Amy Barlow (played by Elle Mulvaney) gets involved.

Aadi was recently introduced to Courtney as he focuses on his professional endeavours

But the newcomer takes advantage of the lad

And Amy Barlow catches them next week
Aadi Alahan (Adam Hussain) is moving on from Summer Spellman and Kelly Neelan but his new conquest is bound to make some jaws drop.
In recent scenes of the ITV soap, the lad revealed he was harbouring feelings for his long-time pal Amy Barlow.
But as the pair of teems are seemingly taking things slow, Aadi decided to focus on his business acumen alongside his father Dev and he was introduced to Darren.
The latter immediately put him in charge of taking care of his wife Courtney (Stephanie Davis) who, in turn, admitted she had the hots for him.
With the chemistry between Aadi and Courtney reaching an all-time high, both characters are putting themselves in the firing line next week as they continue their affair despite their age gap.
Coming up, Aadi arrives for work, hoping to show Darren some figures he’s been working on, but he’s disappointed when Darren reveals his job for the day is to look after Courtney.
When Courtney explains that after lunch she’d like to have sex with him again, Aadi squirms.
But as Amy lets herself into No.7 to pick up some paperwork for Dev, she’s shocked to find Aadi and Courtney in a compromising position.
How will she react?
In later scenes, Aadi squirms when Dev (Jimmi Harkishin) asks him to keep his ear to the ground because rumour is that Courtney is having an affair.
Courtney presents Aadi with a gift, telling him to see her later and make sure he’s wearing it.
As Aadi looks in the box his eyes widen – what could Courtney’s gift be?
Darren later tells Aadi how grateful he is to him for looking after Courtney and keeping her sweet.
However, Amy has had enough and when Courtney refuses to pay for a drink in the shop, she gives her both barrels, warning her to stop using Aadi.
At the meeting, Darren and Courtney explain they simply want to go over Aadi’s figures again before showing them to their accountant, leading to Dev and Aadi breathing a sigh of relief.
Darren then reveals that he and Courtney are off on a Caribbean cruise.
Aadi throws Courtney a loaded look and suggests she should skip the meeting with the accountant.
Courtney’s thrilled to have him eating out of her hand again.
But could they be exposed?
Coronation Street airs every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8pm on ITV.

Amy Barlow takes a stand

But could she expose Courtney’s affair with Aadi?
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