Alison Hammond's boyfriend's solo European adventure

Alison Hammond's boyfriend's solo European adventure

Jet-setting without Alison

Alison Hammond's Russian boyfriend, David Putnam, has been living it up on a romantic Italian getaway, leaving the This Morning star behind.

A taste of luxury

David treated himself to fine dining and adventures, capturing his whirlwind tour of Italy in an epic reel that included Milan and Lake Como.

Alison's response

In response to David's video, Alison commented, "You deserve it," showing her support for his solo trip.

Romance in the air

Despite the distance, Alison and David have been dating for a few months and seem to be enjoying their newfound romance.

Alison Hammond's boyfriend's solo European adventure

Family disapproval

However, David's family in Russia is not on board with the relationship, with his mum reportedly deeming Alison "too old" and expressing concerns about their differing financial statuses.

Challenges ahead

David's mum's traditional values and disapproval of the relationship have presented challenges for the couple, but Alison remains coy about her new love.

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