Amy Duggar posts cryptic quote about ‘a hidden lie’ weeks after cousin Josh’s arrest for child porn

AMY Duggar posted a cryptic quote about “a hidden lie” weeks after cousin Josh’s arrest for child porn.

Amy, 34, asked her Twitter followers to help her decide which was better; being in pain or being ignorant.

Amy Duggar, here with husband Dillon King, shared another cryptic quote

Her cousin Josh was caught in possession of about ’65 images of child porn’

The reality star tweeted: “The painful truth is better than a hidden lie.”

Previously, Twitter followers suspected Amy was talking about Josh’s wife, Anna, 23, in a recent tweet. 

Anna, who is currently six months pregnant with the couple’s seventh child, has decided to stand by her husband’s side, despite his arrest for child porn.

The TV star shared a quote from Alexis Rose in the Schitt’s Creek series.

Amy tweeted about a ‘hidden lie’

Above it she wrote: “He might love you, but if he can’t love you properly and in a healthy way then you need to PACK YOUR BAGS. 

“Life is too short to waist time on someone who cannot give you their whole heart.”

Josh, 33, had been caught “possessing 65 images of child porn.”

After being granted bail, the TLC star was restricted travel and cannot leave Benton, Washington, and Madison counties in Arkansas without permission from the court.

Amy mentioned a quote from a TV show

Josh was required to live away from the family since he is not allowed to be around minors.

Josh and Anna share six children: Mackynzie, 11, Michael, nine, Maryella, one, Mason, three, Meredith, five, and Marcus, seven.

Recently, Amy dealt with a customer who constantly asked her if she was pregnant.

Amy explained the weight gain was due to lockdown

Amy shares her 1-year-old Daxton with her husband, Dillon King.

The Counting On star gained weight during the lockdown from the pandemic.

During an Instagram Story, Amy wore a tan-colored hat and a green buttoned-down top.

Dillon, Amy, and Daxton pictured for a group photo

The mother of one styled her brunette locks into two braids, which fell over her shoulders.

She said: “OK so get this, I had a grandmother come in and she goes ‘oh my God are you pregnant?’

“And I was like ‘err no I have got a little taller, I’m getting used to the whole mom bod now and focussed on getting used to him [son Daxton] and Covid was really stressful’ … and she said ‘ohh are you pregnant?’ again!

“I said ‘it was during Covid I had a lot of comfort food and I was stressed as I own my own business’ and she said ‘It’s OK to have a little tummy.'”

Amy continued: “And I was mortified y’all. I was like ‘yeahh, well I’m trying to lose my tummy,’ then she said: ‘Girl you are not doing it.'”

The TLC star concluded: “I think you get to a certain age and place you don’t care what you’re saying, you have no filter.”

Amy allegedly tweeted to Anna to ‘pack your bags’

Josh and Anna posed with their kids Mackynzie, Michael, Maryella, Mason, Meredith, and Marcus

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