Antiques Roadshow Expert Accidentally Stabs Himself with Knife on TV

Antiques Roadshow Expert Accidentally Stabs Himself with Knife on TV

Unexpected Mishap

Antiques Roadshow star Marc Allum found himself in a painful situation when he accidentally sliced his finger while examining a 48-piece pen knife on the BBC programme.

On-Air Pain

During the valuation, Marc's finger brushed against a blade, causing him to yelp in pain and exclaim, "Sugar! I just stabbed myself!"

Valuable Finds

Despite the mishap, Marc valued the knife at £2,000 to £3,000, surprising the owner with the high appraisal.

Emotional Moments

In another episode, a guest was moved to tears after learning the sentimental value and market price of an intricate Japanese vase inherited from a dear friend.

Antiques Roadshow Expert Accidentally Stabs Himself with Knife on TV

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