A GUEST on Antiques Roadshow was left stunned after expert Robert Tilney valued his grandad’s wartime army tank mask.
In a recent episode of the BBC show, viewers were whisked away to Woodhorn Museum in Northumberland to look at the delights guests had brought to be valued and auctioned.

During one encounter, Robert – a master gunsmith and expert on firearms and ballistics – was particularly impressed by a particular army tank mask on display.
Taking a look at the old and discoloured mask, Robert asked: “I am assuming you know what that grisly item is?”
The guest confirmed: “Yep, that is a tank mask and my grandfather!”
“The story I was told when I was younger was that the bottom right was where a bit of shrapnel went through the mask and went through his bottom jaw, but I was only six.”
Robert then curiously asked if he used it as a child, with the guest replying: “Yeah, and playing soldiers, but since then, it’s just been wrapped up in the top of the cupboard, really, and we just try and keep it safe.”
Getting down to business, Robert remarked: “Well, they’re very collectable,” as he began to evaluate the piece of history.
“It’s a fantastic relic of the first armoured fighting vehicles, something like that, at an auction, between £500 to £800.
“Your grandad was a very brave bloke to be in a tank because you just didn’t want to be in a tank full stop. I am very pleased you brought it in, very interesting.”
The guest was impressed with the history that came from his grandfather’s mask and thanked Robert for his expertise when evaluating it.
Antiques Roadshow is available to watch on BBC iPlayer.