Big Brother Reveals Surprise Eviction Twist Ahead of Final

Big Brother Reveals Surprise Eviction Twist Ahead of Final

Another Housemate to Be Axed in Last-Minute Twist

In a shocking turn of events, Big Brother has announced that another housemate will be evicted just hours before the highly anticipated final on Friday. The surprise eviction was revealed by AJ Odudu during the latest episode of the Late and Live spin-off show.

Vote for the Winner Now Open

While the vote for the winner is now open, AJ Odudu dropped the bombshell that one unlucky contestant will be dumped from the house on Wednesday night. This unexpected twist has left fans on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting the outcome.

The Remaining Housemates

Currently, six housemates are still in the running for the coveted title. The remaining contestants are Henry, Jordan, Olivia, Yinrun, Matty, and Noky. With the final just days away, tensions are running high as they all vie for the top spot.

Who Will Face the Chop?

According to AJ, the housemate with the least votes as of tomorrow night's eviction will be sent packing, leaving only five contestants to battle it out for the winner's crown. This unexpected turn of events has sparked speculation among fans about who might be next to go.

Fan Reactions

As news of the surprise eviction spread, fans took to social media to share their thoughts and predictions. Many wondered if the votes would reset after tomorrow's eviction, while others speculated on which contestant might be in danger. The excitement is palpable as viewers eagerly await the final outcome.