BRADLEY Walsh was gobsmacked after a The Chase contestant revealed a surprising connection to one of the Chasers.
Wednesday’s instalment of the ITV gameshow saw four new players Neil, Sheila, Kate and Joe take on Mark Labbett AKA The Beast.

Before Neil started, Bradley was keen to find out who he would take to go up against.
The host couldn’t believe his reason behind wanting to take on The Beast.
Neil told Bradley: “I’m not sure if I want to take him on but Mark used to be one of my teachers back in school, my maths teacher so it would be interesting to see who teaches who a lesson.”
Bradley replied: “He did not. Was he really?!”
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And Neil got what he wished fore because Mark appeared as the Chaser he had to go up against.
Neil said: “Good afternoon sir!”
Mark, his former teacher, replied: “Are you here to quiz or hand in that piece of homework you still owe me from 18 years ago?”
Bradley wanted to know what kind of pupil Neil was like.
Mark couldn’t help but take a swipe at Neil before they went head to head.
The Beast said: “Bright but not super bright because I can’t remember him that well.”
Despite trying their best, the group didn’t manage to beat The Chaser.
It comes after Bradley was left infuriated after a contestant answered a question about a well known fairytale incorrectly.
The host questioned: “‘Be he alive, or be he dead, I’ll grind his bones to make my bread’ is a repeated line in which fairy tale?”
The correct answer, of course, was Jack and the Beanstalk – but player Neil was completely unaware of the famous line.
Bradley, who knew the answer was Jack and the Beanstalk, raged: “You’ve inexplicably put Little Red Riding Hood.
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A confused Neil then asked: “That might be wrong, do you think?”
Incandescent with rage, Bradley then yelled: “I have got four-year-olds screaming their heads off at the television now. You’re kidding me!”
- The Chase airs on ITV