Call the Midwife: Major Changes Revealed for Series 14

Call the Midwife: Major Changes Revealed for Series 14

Set Makeover and New Storylines

As Call the Midwife gears up for its 14th series, fans can expect major changes as the show moves into the 70s. The beloved period drama will explore new storylines like underage pregnancy and vaccines, prompting bosses to give the set a makeover to reflect the era.

Fashion and Props Update

In a first look at series 14, actress Helen George, who plays Trixie, revealed exciting changes in the cast's outfits. Expect shirts to get jazzy, collars to get longer, and flares to get wider. Props like a coffee percolator at Dr Turner's surgery and modern cars on the street will add to the authenticity of the era.

Seventies Madness and Vending Machines

Actor Cliff Parisi teased that the 70s were a time of fashion madness with big flares getting caught in bike chains. The show's art department captures this perfectly, with vending machines making their debut in East London.

Creator's Reassurance

Creator Heidi Thomas reassured fans that Call the Midwife still has plenty of stories to tell. Despite societal changes like the introduction of the pill, the show will continue to explore the complexities of human life and the obstacles individuals create for themselves.

Call the Midwife: Major Changes Revealed for Series 14

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