Carwash to scarecrow – here’s what to expect from The Masked Dancer

THE real stars of The Masked Dancer aren’t the panelists or the show’s host.

No, the characters set to keep us entertained are the dozen creatures and giant objects who will be boogying their way across our screens. Rod McPhee looks at what we can expect over the coming weeks.


Finding someone to fill this towering outfit will be a tall order, but they get one of the grandest get-ups


With a menacing image and leather gear, this slithering soul looks a bit of a punk who is set to rock our world


The celeb inside this outfit is hopping to take a leap of faith to perform in this toadally Regency-inspired gear


A giant walking ­fastener with a spring in his step and a ­willingness to have his metal tested


They promise to ‘send the audience into a spin’ but they might just clean up and win the show


The character’s scruffy costume doesn’t look a patch on the others, but straw poll shows he may be a leader in his field


She’s the girl-band- inspired rodent who is just nuts about showing off her moves on the dancefloor


We hope this brave soul isn’t being paid a poultry sum for flapping around in this tricky outfit . . .  that would be fowl play


With knee-length boots and a saucy dress, this character is bizarrely sexy. Let’s hope rivals don’t ruffle their feathers


Tasty red-head has one of the more revealing outfits of this year’s ­contest, here’s hoping they don’t get in a pickle


IS the half-dog, half-Biggles cross-breed barking up the wrong tree by hoping to be a soaraway success?


This sweet treat boasts some seriously sexy legs, and might just have the competition licked