Casa Amor is here tonight as boys and girls are separated and sexy singletons swoop in

AFTER a long four weeks, everyone’s favourite Love Island twist has finally arrived.

Casa Amor has returned, and we’re all excited to see exactly what goes down.

Casa Amor is here tonight as boys and girls are separated and sexy singletons swoop in
Tanya is very excited to receive the text announcing Casa Amor

Casa Amor is here tonight as boys and girls are separated and sexy singletons swoop in
All of the girls are looking forward to leaving the main villa

Today’s Love Island teaser has shown the girls and boys’ reactions when they find out that they’ve been separated.

The girls are the ones who are leaving the main villa to head to Casa Amor, and find out first thing in the morning as they’re all getting ready.

Samie is the one to receive the text, and announced to all the girls they need to leave ASAP.

As they rush out in just their PJs and robes – and Samie in a towel – the guys notice that something is off.

As the girls make themselves at home in Casa Amor they all chant: “What happens in Casa Amor stays in Casa Amor.”

One says: “When the cat’s away the mice will play”.

Another agrees and says: “Out of sight, out of mind.”

Meanwhile in the main Villa, the boys speculate about the girls’ whereabouts, which all becomes clear when they receive a text.

It reads: “Boys, the girls have gone away for a few nights, please now pack them a case for their trip.

“#GoneForAGoodTimeNotALongTime #CasaAmor.”

Elsewhere, as the girls toast their first evening away they receive another text that reads: “Girls, welcome to Casa Amor you will have six new boys to get to know.

“Please get ready to meet Maxwell, Frankie, Bayley, Martin, Kain and Ryan #GirlsOnJob #TimeForAmorBoys.”

Casa Amor is here tonight as boys and girls are separated and sexy singletons swoop in
The boys find out that the girls have gone

Casa Amor is here tonight as boys and girls are separated and sexy singletons swoop in
The new Casa Amor boys stroll in