Claire Sweeney asks for help with painful skin condition

Claire Sweeney asks for help with painful skin condition

Claire Sweeney's plea to fans

Coronation Street actress Claire Sweeney has reached out to her fans for help as she opened up about suffering from a painful skin condition. The 53-year-old star, known for her role as Cassandra Plummer on the soap, shared a picture on Instagram showing a sore rash around her mouth and chin, asking for any magical remedies for her peri oral dermatitis.

Claire's financial struggles

In addition to her personal health struggles, recent reports have shed light on Claire Sweeney's financial situation. Her entertainment company, Westmoreland Entertainments Ltd, had a meager sum of £756 in its coffers when she landed her role on Coronation Street. Despite cash deposits of £53,955, the firm faced financial challenges with bills and creditors to pay.

Claire's career comeback and personal life

After taking a break from acting, Claire Sweeney made a comeback on screens as Cassie Plummer in Corrie. She also appeared on Dancing On Ice earlier this year, where she met boxer Ricky Hatton. The couple's romance has been blossoming, with Hatton praising Sweeney's down-to-earth nature and their shared sense of humor. Claire has signed a contract to continue portraying Cassie for another year on the popular soap.

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