Commons Speaker Lindsay Hoyle slams Matt Hancock for entering I’m A Celeb jungle

COMMONS Speaker Lindsay Hoyle blasted Matt Hancock for entering the jungle — saying he should not be televised eating “kangaroos’ testicles” while an MP.

He told Sky News the former Health Secretary’s decision will be judged by voters.

Commons Speaker Lindsay Hoyle slams Matt Hancock for entering I’m A Celeb jungle
Commons Speaker Lindsay Hoyle slammed Matt Hancock for entering the I’m A Celeb jungle

Commons Speaker Lindsay Hoyle slams Matt Hancock for entering I’m A Celeb jungle
The Speaker said the former Health Secretary’s decision will be judged by voters

Mr Hoyle said: “It’s what his constituents think, because they’re the people that matter.

“We’re elected to represent those people and they will have the answer.

“He will come back and he will have to answer to his constituents.

He added: “Would I do it, I think is a better question and the answer is I’m a member of Parliament, am I going to go rolling around a jungle eating kangaroos’ testicles? Absolutely not.”

Commons Speaker Lindsay Hoyle slams Matt Hancock for entering I’m A Celeb jungle


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Commons Speaker Lindsay Hoyle slams Matt Hancock for entering I’m A Celeb jungle


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