Contestants on Netflix's Squid Game spin-off threaten legal action over injuries

Contestants on Netflix's Squid Game spin-off threaten legal action over injuries

Claims of serious injuries and hypothermia

Contestants on the Netflix Squid Game spin-off show are planning to sue the streaming giant, alleging that they suffered serious injuries and hypothermia during the filming. The reality version of the popular drama, which centers around a fight-to-the-death contest, was released worldwide today. Participants from Europe, the US, and Australia traveled to the UK to compete for millions in prize money in Squid Game: The Challenge. However, some contestants have now sought legal representation.

Injuries include hypothermia and nerve damage

One of the contestants claims to have suffered from hypothermia, while another alleges that their hands turned purple from the cold temperatures. Additionally, one participant complained of nerve damage. Express Solicitors, led by Daniel Slade, is overseeing the claims against Studio Lambert, the production company responsible for the show. Slade emphasized that the contestants believed they were participating in a fun experience and did not anticipate the extent of the injuries they would sustain.

Filming at ex-RAF base in freezing temperatures

The opening game of the spin-off was filmed in January at a former Royal Air Force base in Bedford, where contestants began to feel unwell due to the freezing temperatures. Some individuals required medical attention, with at least one person being stretchered off the set. A spokesperson for the show stated that no lawsuit has been filed yet and assured that the welfare of contestants is taken extremely seriously.

Source: The Guardian

Contestants on Netflix's Squid Game spin-off threaten legal action over injuries

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