Controversial TV Drama Based on Jimmy Savile's Sex Crimes Delayed by BBC Due to Concerns Over Focus on Victims

Controversial TV Drama Based on Jimmy Savile's Sex Crimes Delayed by BBC Due to Concerns Over Focus on Victims

Concerns Over Misinterpretation

The highly anticipated TV drama, The Reckoning, which delves into the sex crimes committed by Jimmy Savile, has been delayed by the BBC. Executives at the BBC fear that the show could be perceived as a biopic of Savile and have called for a stronger focus on the victims.

Original Intentions

The drama was initially meant to showcase the devastating impact of Savile's sexual abuse on those affected. However, after reviewing early versions, BBC executives requested that the focus on the victims be increased to ensure that the show is not misunderstood as a glorification of Savile himself.

Controversial TV Drama Based on Jimmy Savile's Sex Crimes Delayed by BBC Due to Concerns Over Focus on Victims

Delicate Balance

A source from within the TV industry revealed, "There has been much speculation about how a programme that was first announced three years ago has yet to appear on our screens. The BBC have simply maintained they wanted to take their time and get the final version right. They understand it's an incredibly delicate balance to strike and have a duty of care to the victims."

The source also mentioned that the drama will feature the victims more prominently and will also include real-life survivors who will make appearances throughout the series.

Competition and Air Date

The BBC had expressed concerns that their Savile drama could be uncomfortable for viewers as ITV1 plans to air a drama called The Long Shadow this autumn, which examines the victims of serial killer Peter Sutcliffe. While The Reckoning does not have a confirmed air date, it is expected to be shown around the same time.

Statement from the BBC

A spokesperson from the BBC clarified, "The focus of the drama has not shifted. We have always said that we're working closely with many people whose lives were impacted by Savile, including survivors — four of whom also feature in the drama."

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