ZEEDAN Nazir has taken a backseat from all the Weatherfield drama after some troubled months.
His past still manages to catch up with him after a shock return to Coronation Street and he makes a tough choice.

Zeedan Nazir’s past is catching up with him next week

His estranged wife Marrium returns to the cobbles

What repercussions could it have on him and his sister Alya?
The chef and co-owner of Speed Daal (Qasim Akhtar) has been standing on the side-lines ever since he set his life back onto the straight and narrow.
Zeedan has managed to put his past with money laundering and troubled marital life behind, thus supporting Stu Carpenter in his worst moments last year.
But while finding his own peace in the cobbles, his sister Alya Nazir (Sair Khan) was still majorly involved in major events on the Street and was even stabbed by a madman.
In scenes due on ITV, however, Zeedan is thrown back into the spotlight as one of his secrets is FINALLY uncovered by the return of his estranged wife, Marrium (Kiran Landa).
The returning character tells Zeedan she can’t believe that he and Alya watched her father die in front of them.
Terrified of having to face repercussions, particularly as Hashim was a vicious restaurateur who dabbled in crime, Zeedan begs her not to go to the police.
Alya later finds Marrium in the café and tells her that she’s as much to blame for Hashim’s death as Zeedan is.
She soon comes to the realisation that Zeedan is sacrificing his relationship with Marrium for her sake.
In later scenes, Alya tells her brother that she doesn’t need protecting and she returns to work in the restaurant, weeks after her brutal attack in Speed Daal.
But Zeedan makes a huge decision about his future with Marrium.
At No.6, Zeedan makes it clear that family comes first, meaning he’s still willing to discard Marrium in an attempt to protect Alya and himself.
As viewers of the Manchester-based program will remember, Marrium was once keen to rekindle their marriage but was turned down by Zeedan due to his guilt over Hashim’s death.
A corrupt character, Hashim rocked up Weatherfield after Zeedan left his daughter and forced him to do his bidding.
This included setting fire to Speed Daal, allowing him to cash in on the insurance money.
Desperate to get away from the life of crime he’d been thrown into, Zeedan was convinced by Alya to leave Hashim to die from his heart attack, although he’d initially thought about calling an ambulance for him.
Zeedan and Alya’s grandmother Yasmeen soon found out the pair had been involved with Hashim and booted them out of their home.
She eventually forgave them, allowing them back into her good graces with great difficulty.
Could Marrium show Zeedan less understanding?
Coronation Street airs every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8pm on ITV.

Zeedan was pushed into a life of crime by Hashim

The corrupt and vicious restaurateur died of a heart attack in 2021