TERRIFIED walls may be closing in on him again, Stephen Reid goes above and beyond to cover up his crimes.
Unfortunately, the Coronation Street serial killer makes one huge mistake. Could it lead to his inevitable downfall?

Stephen Reid has three murders under his belt

Rufus Donahue’s wife Lou is suspicious her husband may have been murdered

And she’s found evidence that could bring Stephen down
Stephen (portrayed by Todd Boyce) claimed a third victim in the cobbles earlier this year after drowning Rufus Donahue in his own pool.
And while the death has been somewhat discarded as a simple accident, Rufus’ wife Lou is convinced there is more to his demise than meets the eye.
Her suspicions seemed to be confirmed when she claims to find a tie pin that never belonged to Rufus – and Stephen is horrified to realise it was his own.
Coming up next week on ITV, the truth is seconds from being exposed as Lou arrives for a meeting.
She immediately lets Carla Connor (Alison King) and Stephen know that the police have agreed to look into the strange tie pin and into Rufus’ missing watch which was actually pawned off by Peter Barlow.
Stephen is worried and steals Lou’s hotel key from her bag.
However, he then overhears Peter (Chris Gascoyne) on the call to the pawnbroker who took Rufus’ watch.
At the time of the pawn, the cabbie was looking to gather fund for Carla Connor’s stay in rehab after she seemingly suffered a psychotic relapse.
Peter is overwhelmed, believing he may be in huge trouble and he confesses to Stephen that he pawned the watch which has been sold away.
Later on, Stephen lets himself into Lou’s hotel room whilst she is at the factory and rifles through her belongings.
He finds his tie pin and pops it in his pocket, but as he makes to leave, he’s horrified to hear someone at the bedroom door.
Will he get caught?
While that remains to be seen, Peter soon catches on to Stephen’s underhanded ways and tells Carla to keep an eye on him as he can’t be trusted.
Later on, Lou shows up at the Underworld factory for another meeting and she reveals she know who stole the tie pin.
Is the jig up?
Coronation Street airs every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8pm on ITV.

Could Lou help bring Stephen down?

Or will Stephen get rid of her?