Premature Labour and Terrifying Moments
Pregnant Lauren Bolton will go into premature labour next week in Coronation Street as her baby battles for his life. Dramatic scenes find Lauren terrified while her prematurely born baby lies in an incubator.
Troubled Teenager's Ordeal
The troubled teenager has been at the centre of a harrowing storyline for several months. Will Lauren's newborn be able to pull through considering all the trauma that's been shown so far?
Sinister Secrets Unveiled
Earlier scenes saw pregnant Lauren collapse while being kept in Joel's flat. Disaster strikes after Lauren is mugged, with Max comforting her after the crime at the precinct. Joel's sinister intentions come to light as the drama unfolds.
Will Justice Prevail?
As for Lauren, she is trapped and alone without the support of her friends. Sinister groomer Joel has been secretly plotting against her. Will justice be served, and will Joel's vile actions be exposed?

A Rollercoaster of Events
Lauren has been at the centre of a major storyline which began at the start of the year. Despite all she's been through already, the upcoming scenes suggest even more trials and tribulations for her.
Twists and Turns
Coronation Street viewers have been on the edge of their seats as the storyline unfolds. Sinister Joel's true colors have been revealed, and the tension continues to rise as the drama escalates.
Stay Tuned
Coronation Street airs on ITV and is available on ITVX. Will justice be served, and will Lauren and her baby find solace amidst the chaos?
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