PETER Barlow has a bone to pick with Dr Henry Thorne after a vile bet was made during his surgery.
Sadly, his wife Carla Connor gets embroiled in the feud next week in Coronation Street.

Months after undergoing a life-saving liver transplant, Peter Barlow (portrayed by Chris Gascoyne) was back on the operating table for another surgery.
But when he finds out the surgeon in charge, Dr Thorne (Killing Eve star Dominic Mafham) rushed the operation to win a bet with a colleague, Peter sees red and angrily demands an apology.
Unfortunately, after finding the doctor in a restaurant, the situation escalates and Peter lashes out physically and gets arrested.
However, this is only the beginning as Carla (soap legend Alison King) decides to step up in a bid to save her husband from further trouble – but her tactics backfire.
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In scenes due on our screens next week, Carla tries to make amends with Mr Thorne on behalf of the Weatherfield driver.
Dr Thorne retaliates by asking her to dinner, leaving Carla speechless.
She reluctantly gives him her number when he promises to call her about dropping the charges against Peter.
Later on, he makes the promising offer of dropping the charges and retire with immediate effect if, in return, Peter withdraws his complaint about him with the hospital.
Peter eventually returns home and Carla accidentally leaves her phone behind for him to see all of her messages.
He’s horrified to read one from Dr Thorne telling Carla he looks forward to their dinner.
A hot-tempered Peter is blinded with rage once again and promises Carla he will make Dr Thorne pay.
Peter isn’t the only one suffering from the fallout of Dr Thorne’s actions.
At Weatherfield General hospital, nurse Aggie Bailey (Lorna Laidlaw) has also had to deal with some consequences.
She overheard the doctor boast about the bet to a colleague and this led to all of his surgeries to be cancelled.
Dr Thorne struck back by threatening to make a life a misery.
Could this messy situation ever be solved?
Will Carla really have dinner with the dangerous surgeon?
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Tune in to ITV to find out.
Coronation Street airs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8pm on ITV.