Coronation Street viewers spot glaring on-screen blunder about rarely-seen business

Coronation Street viewers spot glaring on-screen blunder about rarely-seen business

Fans left stunned by on-screen blunder

Viewers of Coronation Street were taken aback when they spotted a significant on-screen mistake during the latest episode. The blunder revolved around one of the show's rarely-seen businesses, Rutland's Bakers.

Rare appearance of Rutland's Bakers

Rutland's Bakers made its debut on the show with the opening of Weatherfield Precinct on-screen. Despite being a new addition to the set, fans were quick to notice something peculiar about the establishment.

Confusion over opening hours

During a scene involving former sex worker Nicky Wheatley and a young girl named Ellie, the pair decided to visit Rutland's for a "coffee and a cake." However, viewers couldn't help but notice the ambiguity surrounding the bakery's opening hours.

Rutland's mysterious sign

With a sign that only stated "Open Monday to Saturday, Closed Sundays," Rutland's left out crucial details such as the actual opening and closing times. This led to speculation and confusion among fans watching the episode.

Coronation Street viewers spot glaring on-screen blunder about rarely-seen business

Fans react to the blunder

A fansite for the show pointed out the vagueness of Rutland's Bakers' opening hours, sparking discussions online about the attention to detail in the show's set design.

Despite the on-screen mishap, Nicky and Ellie were able to enjoy a hot drink from Rutland's, confirming that the bakery was indeed open for business.