Coronation Street’s Curtis Delamere in ‘turmoil’ over marrying Emma Brooker says Sam Retford

CORONATION Street’s Sam Retford has revealed that Curtis Delamere is in “turmoil” over marrying Emma Brooker.

The actor, 22 – who plays the medical student on the ITV soap – recently got engaged to the waitress (Alexandra Mardell).

Coronation Street’s Curtis Delamere is left heartbroken when his relationship with Emma Brooker is in jeopardy

Emma finally finds out the truth about Curtis’ health condition

As viewers will know, Curtis suffers from an incurable heart condition, but fans of the show are convinced that he’s lying.

Earlier this week it was revealed that Emma finds out the devastating truth about her fiance’s mystery illness.

This leaves the waitress wondering if she wants to go ahead with the wedding – and Curtis is left heartbroken.

Sam recently revealed: “Imagine seeing the first authentic relationship in your entire life, you never had it in the family and never wanted it, you never let it in.

“Then to let it in for the first time and for it to be in the balance to be thrown away is a real turmoil for him.

“In his head its like he’s been shown a light. This is a miracle that I’ve been able to be honest with someone and she’s not ran away – he never saw that as a possible reality in his head.

“Now that’s happened he’s going to do everything he can mentally to retain that.

“I get really happy for him when he is shown a world where you can still have flaws and these demons that make you do these things, but your true self is still prevalent through that and people are willing to fight for that side of you.”

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In scenes due to air soon, bride-to-be Emma makes a heart-stopping discovery about her man when she finds one of Curtis’ medical DVDs while babysitting Hope and Ruby.

The doctor on it uses exactly the same phrase as Curtis’ illness and she starts to question things.

Without knowing, Ruby puts one of Curtis’ medication pills in her mouth and she has to rush her to hospital.

Emma is left shocked when the A&E doctor tells her that she has only taken a vitamin pill.

Curtis later reveals the truth behind why he lied about his illness.

But will the couple be able to see past this?

Will the pair end up tying the knot?

Will Emma be able to forgive Curtis?

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