Racy Moments on Countdown
During a recent episode of the classic show Countdown, Rachel Riley found herself in a bit of an embarrassing situation when a rude word was spelled out on the board. This is not the first time the show has had its fair share of racy moments over the years.
Unexpected Word Unveiled
On Tuesday's show, the contestants struggled to find a word with more than four letters. However, in Dictionary Corner, guest Nicki Chapman revealed a seven-letter word - "Arousal". Host Colin Murray and the audience were taken aback by the unexpected word, with Colin praising Susie Dent for her find.
Controversy Behind the Scenes
Former contestant Jen Steadman shed light on the behind-the-scenes rules of Countdown. She revealed that certain rude words, although valid in games like Scrabble, do not make the cut for the show. Jen, known for her impressive record on the show, highlighted the differences between the Scrabble and Countdown dictionaries.
Record-breaking Contestant
Jen Steadman, an octochamp on series 69 in 2013, holds the title for the best female contestant in Countdown's history. Despite the discrepancies in word validity between the two games, Jen's impressive performance on the show remains unmatched.

Final Thoughts
Countdown continues to entertain viewers with its mix of wordplay and unexpected moments. Tune in weekdays on Channel 4 to catch all the action!
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