David Hamilton: A Radio Legend

David Hamilton: A Radio Legend

Early Beginnings

David Hamilton, known as Diddy in the broadcasting world, started his career in the late 50s, shaping the airwaves with his presence. Born David Pilditch in 1938, he switched to his mother's maiden name for easier recognition on radio.

Radio Fame

Hamilton's journey in radio began during his National Service with the RAF. By the mid-70s, he was a household name and joined Radio 1, later transitioning to commercial radio. Today, he continues to captivate audiences on Boom Radio.

Top of the Pops

Hamilton's TV fame peaked in the late 70s when he hosted Top of the Pops, a show that propelled him to new heights of stardom. Reflecting on this time in his memoir, he described it as the most exciting period of his career.

Personal Life

Married twice, Hamilton opened up about his relationships in his memoir. Despite health challenges, including a rare form of blood cancer, he remains resilient and continues to charm listeners with his radio presence.

David Hamilton: A Radio Legend

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