DRAGONS’ Den viewers were left ‘gagging and unable to eat’ after a REVOLTING poo gel presentation.
Thursday’s episode of the BBC show aired in its usual 8pm slot, but anyone settling down for a late dinner were left horrified when the first entrepreneurs into the Den were promoting a poo gel.

Couple Georgia and Eli introduced Wype, an innovative serum which can turn dry toilet paper into eco-friendly wet wipes.
Georgia, from Italy, explained to the Dragons: “Dry doesn’t clean. You wouldn’t clean your dishes with a dry wash cloth and certainly, if you had poo on your arm, you wouldn’t be satisfied just wiping it with dry tissue.”
Looking perplexed after she had finished her initial presentation, Peter Jones said: “So, you guys said this gel helps you when you have poo on your arm. I’m a bit confused if I have been doing it wrong all these years.”
Georgia replied: “In some nationalities, it’s acceptable to leave residue on their private parts.”
The couple also had an example of a fatberg – a rock-like mass of waste matter from a sewer system – in a glass box for the Dragons and viewers to see while discussing people flushing wet wipes down their toilets.
Touker Suleyman was seen pulling a horrified face, while viewers at home were equally disgusted by what it all.
One wrote on Twitter: “Who on earth leaves s**t residue on themselves after wiping their bums? That’s SICK #DragonsDen.”
Another added: “Feel literally nauseous after watching #DragonsDen. WTF!!! I was eating my dinner.”
A third tweeted: “Gagging after that clip on Dragons’ Den!!! As if people literally leave poo on themselves. No way would I invest in that.”
In the end, Touker was the only Dragon to make an offer, but after a brief discussion, the couple felt that he didn’t share the same vision for where the product should go and how it should be marketed so they turned him down and left empty handed.

Dragons’ Den airs Thursdays at 8pm on BBC One.