EastEnders spoilers: Panic for Sharon as she runs out of pills to drug Ian – throwing poisoning plan into chaos

EASTENDERS’ Sharon Beale runs out of pills to drug Ian in tonight’s episode – throwing her scheming plan to kill him into chaos.

The pub landlady – played by actress Letitia Dean in the BBC soap – has been poisoning her new husband for the last week.

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Sharon Beale runs out of drugs to poision Ian with during tonight’s episode

Sharon has been wanting to get her own back on the businessman since he killed her son Denny by locking him in a room of a sinking boat back in 2019.

She decided to get help from ex-husband Phil Mitchell and asked him to kill Ian for her.

On Christmas Day he tried to finish the job again but realised he couldn’t do it.

So Sharon took matters into her own hands and served up a tasty looking pudding with a dose of poison mixed into it for Ian to enjoy after their dinner.

Sharon has been slipping crushed up ills into Ian’s food and drink

What will Sharon do next?

And she’s been slipping crushed pills into his food and drink ever since.

People around the Square, including mum Cathy Beale, have started to comment on how ill he looks.

Cathy has voiced her opinions to Phil explaining that she thinks Sharon is up to something and did not marry her son for love, but the Walford hardman looked blank as she ranted on.

On Tuesday night’s episode Linda and son Ollie popped in to see Sharon unexpectedly whilst she was preparing her deadly concoction for Ian’s coffee.

She started drugging her husband on Christmas day

Ian has no clue that his wife is slipping in pills to his food

She left the cup on the work surface while she sat down to talk to her pal when Sharon saw Linda’s youngster grasping at the cup, so she jumped up quickly to stop him from drinking it.

Sharon went on to pour the coffee down the sink, meaning that she wasted some of her precious drugs.

Tonight Sharon realises that she’s completely run out… how will she be able to poison him now?

Catch the next episode of EastEnders tonight at 7.35pm on BBC One.