BERNIE Taylor collapses and is forced to admit to taking dangerous diet pills to a horrified Rainie next week in EastEnders.
Bernie agreed to carry Rainie and Stuart’s baby for them in exchange for money as a way to help the Taylor-Bakers out of their financial rut.

Bernie had been keeping her decision a secret but the truth finally came out last week when Karen and Keegan found her taking a pregnancy test.
What she hasn’t revealed, however, is the fact she’s been taking dodgy pills to lose weight to avoid pregnancy complications.
Next week’s episodes of EastEnders will see Bernie continue to take the dangerous pills as Karen encourages her to eat more.
Later, Bernie starts to feel faint and collapses, leading Gray to call an ambulance.
Rainie arrives just as Bernie is asked what medication she’s on, forcing her to admit she’s been taking diet pills.
Rainie and Keegan are stunned when Bernie adds that Tiffany has been supplying her with the pills.
How will Rainie react to the revelation that Bernie could be putting her unborn baby at risk?
Later, Keegan berates Tiffany for giving Bernie diet pills and getting more cosmetic work done, but Tiffany is more bothered about the fact her infection is getting worse.
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Dotty confronts Vinny for telling Keegan about them but she’s shocked when he reveals his true feelings for her.
Later, Keegan picks up his wages from a drunk Dotty and she offers him a drink.

At home, Tiffany is feeling even worse and calls Keegan to apologise.
Viewers will see him ignore the call as back at the club things begin to heat up with Dotty.
Will Keegan betray Tiff?