RAINIE Cross is desperately hoping for Bernie Taylor to keep to their surrogacy agreement.
Coming up on EastEnders, she is forced to make a shocking confession to the youngster following the birth of her baby.

Needless to say that Rainie (portrayed by actress Tanya Franks) has a lot on her plate.
But while her husband Stuart’s cancer battle weighs heavily on her mind, she is also worried Bernie Taylor (Clair Norris) won’t respect their surrogacy agreement and has potentially already given birth to her baby.
In upcoming scenes of the long-running soap, she turns to Karen Taylor (Lorraine Stanley), pestering her about her daughter Bernie’s whereabouts.
Thankfully for her, as Stuart (Ricky Champ) stands by his holistic approach to fight his breast cancer, Bernie makes an abrupt return to the Square.
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The heavily pregnant youngster assures Rainie she still plans to give them the baby but she puts pressure on the couple to give her the rest of the money as soon as the baby is born.
Bernie questions Stuart’s supplements but Rainie and her other half soon cover.
She eventually finds out the truth from Sonia Fowler who tells her all about Stuart’s cancer.
The teen surrogate is ready to confront them but her waters break once she’s faced with them.
Bernie goes into labour and Rainie reassures her with a lie, claiming Stuart is beating his cancer.
The young mother gives birth to a boy and, upon seeing how Stuart and Rainie care for him, Bernie agrees to let them have the baby.
But a shocking confession from Rainie could turn the tables.
Unable to let Bern give them her baby on a lie, Rainie confesses that Stuart is refusing all treatment for his cancer.
BBC One viewers may remember that Bernie hasn’t been seen in Walford since October, 2021, after she took some time away.
She was initially scared of Rainie’s drug addiction and its impact on her baby.
To reassure Bernie, Rainie had agreed to take a drug test.
While she’s willing to stick to the surrogacy agreement she made with the Highways, could Rainie’s honesty work in her disfavour?
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Will Bernie really give her baby away?
Tune in to BBC One to find out.