ZACK Hudson has been focusing on his new business with girlfriend Nancy Carter – but their plans are thrown right out the window.
Jada Lennox accuses the EastEnders character of kissing her, prompting a furious Sharon Watts to take action.

Things are looking for Zack Hudson (portrayed by James Farrar) and his girlfriend Nancy Carter (Maddy Hill).
In recent weeks, the pair have managed to mend their relationship after jumping through hurdles and have decided to open a restaurant together.
But when troublemaker Jada Lennox (played by Kelsey Calladine-Smith) is added into the mix, their peace is definitely troubled.
Coming up, Zack and Nancy continue their plans for the restaurant and as she leads on décor, she asks her other to pick up the keys for their new venture.
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Meanwhile, Jada is sad after losing her job at the salon but Zack soon tries to cheer her up and the pair bond over their respective childhoods.
He decides to take her on a trip into London to visit some famous sights in a bid to lift her spirits a little more – and forgets to follow through with Nancy’s request.
The latter is furious when she learns Zack didn’t pick up the keys and her reaction leaves Jada unimpressed.
She tries to comfort Zack but, as she misinterprets the situation, leans for a kiss.
A mortified Zack plays it down, not wanting to embarrass her – but the rejection costs him the roof over his head.
Once his half-sister Sharon Watts (Letitia Dean) returns home, he finds out just how hurt Jada is after she was shot down.
Jada tells Sharon that Zack kissed her leading to her kicking her brother out of the house.
This wouldn’t be the first time Jada stirs trouble in Walford.